Have you seen how some people {Design Mom has a few sweet posts on it} have grown their own Easter grass? No? It’s a super sweet idea, and this year I decided to give it a try! It’s a simple but meaningful way to add a special touch to your Easter celebrations. It’s a great object lesson for children about new life and putting something “dead” into the ground and watching God make it come to life. Kind of a nice segue into talking about the Resurrection :)
note: If you do this NOW you’ll have some darling little pots of real grass for Easter. Or, you know, if you start the wheatgrass growing in the next few days …. :) {if you’re like me, it works better to tell yourself that it needs to be done NOW – that way it will actually get done, maybe not “now”, but at least soon}

It turns out that growing wheatgrass is really easy. All you need is some wheat, some water and some dirt {and maybe a container to put the dirt in}. Yep, really easy.
Step one: soak your wheat berries/seeds for a few hours or over night. This isn’t truly needed, but does speed up the sprouting process.

Step two: gather your containers and dirt. I chose to use some egg shells for some of the containers – when the grass is a little taller I’m going to make a centerpiece for our table like this one {you should click over – it’ soooo pretty! I wish it was my idea first :)}

If you choose to use egg shells, simply tap your egg all the way around near one end instead of in the middle as you’re cracking it, and rinse out the shell after you’ve dumped out the white and yolk.

Step three: fill your containers with soil. If you’re using a pot without a drain hole, place small rocks or packing peanuts in the bottom to provide some drainage and keep the seeds from rooting.

Step four: place your wheat berries on top of the soil, covering the surface with an even layer, and then cover the wheat with more soil.

Step five: water and wait. The seedlings should emerge in about 48 hours or so. Continue watering every day as it grows, and enjoy the bit of green!

These are the eggs five days after planting – by the time Easter is here, they may need a trim! I’ll clean up the shells in a few days once the sprouts are a bit sturdier and use some wax to create the centerpiece I mentioned. Maybe I’ll post a photo when it’s done!
Let me know if you try it!