little bits of life
It’s about time for an Instagram update on the little bits of our life, don’t you think?
{If you’d like to follow along, I’m @pltmarket on Instagram <3} coming soon to the shop – strawberry shortcake toppers!
and the yummy, yummy left overs from taking the photos – taking your own photos can be hard, but the side effects are worth it :)
I experimented with custom dying some doilies for a peach colored version of my doily garland – love how they turned out! And I’m thinking of adding something similar to the shop – thoughts?
this darling keeps getting sweeter! This last month Olivia was working on cutting teeth {and especially needy for her mama!} and we’ve been experimenting with new foods for her. She loves just about everything so far!
Have you seen the recipe for liquid sidewalk chalk that’s been going around Pinterest? It’s really simple {just 1 part corn starch to 1 part water, and add food color to achieve desired colors} and has been hugely enjoyed by our kiddos.
How gorgeous are these?! My in-laws have some massive hydrangea bushes, and I’ve been given permission to trim to my heart’s content :) Oh my, do these ever feed my soul!
Baby girl, just layin’ around. And being adorable {of course} and melting my heart. And deciding to abandon her pacifier in favor of her thumb. No biggie {what?! No more binky?!}
A bride ordered a large batch of custom cake toppers, one set of which was made of these gorgeous cake flags. Love how they turned out!
More adorableness <3 {and it’s a video}
Custom stamped cupcake toppers! A customer requested the pink heart toppers stamped with “BABY” and they were so darling {by the way, did you know that any of my toppers can be customized? Just ask for details if you’re interested :)}
Have you seen the darling polka dot paper stars that I have in my Etsy shop? A few days ago a custom inquired about getting the dots in custom colors, and I was able to find them! They’ll be so sweet in her nursery :)
Zinnias from our yard – I know you’ve heard me say it over and over, but I love my flowers. Who was it who said “the earth laughs in flowers”? Few things brighten my day like their fresh loveliness {of course, snuggles from my husband and babies are pretty high up on the list, too}!
Mmm, prepping to make lemon sorbet – it was amazingly delicious, by the way!
And lastly, have you met Kellie from Lemondime? She hostessing a wonderful craft weekend {Craft Liberation!} soon, and I got to contribute some goodies to their swag bags! It looks so amazing, and I’d love to go – since I can’t though, my special little gifts will :)
There you have it – another peek in to our life. It’s kind of fun to see it all compressed together!
Do you have an Instagram account? I’d love to connect and “meet” you!