for Sunday
some loveliness for your Sunday
Ah, the end of August. Our garden is full of late-summer blooms, and our veggie patch {which I obviously couldn’t let be just a veggie patch} is keeping us stocked with tomatoes, basil, cilantro and green onions and the occasional cucumber. It’s been about two weeks since we’ve had any rain to speak of, and our yard is starting to show it. But the zinnias are holding strong! They love the heat, and our new little peach tree is bravely trying to offer us some sweetness {if our neighborhood squirrel doesn’t abscond with them first :)}.
The end of August is a bittersweet time of year here in Indiana as Summer begins to fade. I have a mum on our front porch {thanks Mom!} that speaks to the coming Autumn, and, if I can keep up with watering them, blooms on our hydrangeas and foxglove.
And this August has been a busy one in the shop – today it’s been good to rest. To enjoy these late Summer gifts of bounty. Of loveliness. Because God only gives us a few Summers here to enjoy them, to enjoy each other, to glory in His goodness. {but then, eternity after … ah, that will be glory indeed!} It’s so easy for me to get focused on the busy and forget to rest, even to feel guilty about leaving things undone as I rest, and today I’ve cast it aside to enjoy. And it is good.
I hope your weekend has been full of loveliness, Friends, in spite of the terrors our world has been through this last week. And I hope you are able to grab a few moments to soak it in, deeply, and to rest your souls.