little Instagram bits
the photos that I capture on Instagram are just little bits and pieces of our life, and it’s really interesting to see what moments I capture {and which ones I don’t} – of course, it seems as if {since I instagram from our iPad} I only capture the things that stand still.
Which of course explains why Emma Grace, Ian and John don’t show up very often, but flowers, projects and Olivia do. Of course :)
If you’d like to follow along, I’m @pltmarket on Instagram <3
I had a birthday a few weeks ago and my husband treated me to a night out – at a local dinner theater! It was such a fun way to celebrate, completely different from our normal routine and definitely made it a birthday to remember :)
flowers on our kitchen windowsill. Some were left over from our booth at the Hobnob Market, some were from my little cuties for my birthday and some from our yard. Love looking at their beauty as I do the dishes!
I posted this pic and asked if any of you could guess what it was of – and Elizabeth was right! I had opened a fresh box of manilla labels and loved how neat and tidy they were.
Our little guy turned three! And I’m just beginning to post the details of the party :)
sweet baby girl. She gets sweeter each and every day – hard to imagine that she’ll be even sweeter and more dear as time goes on!
Instagram has video now! And I posted this one of Emma Grace dancing at breakfast :)
Finally warm enough to swim! And Ian discovered that our new {to us} pool has a bungehole {drain hole} which means that I have a VERY eager helper when it comes to draining it :)
Happy girl bright and early – oh, so early on this morning!
Sometimes I forget to eat lunch with the kids, and end up with “meals” like this in the mid afternoon – brownie with peanut butter and coffee.
Our flowers have begun to bloom, and I brought a zinnia in to keep me company as I waded through a day’s worth of emails :)
Ian loves his baby sister sooooo much!
another IG video – this time of a rainy day project I’ve posted here before.
they were so patient as I got things ready to go over to my in-laws’ for the 4th :) Watching Winnie the Pooh {while wearing swim goggles, of course} helped pass the time :)
I hope you have a truly lovely and relaxing weekend!