Oh my, we’re already looking at the end of Summer! In just one week it will be Labor Day here in the US, the day that traditionally signals the end of Summer and the closing of the community swimming pools {and the end of wearing white!} and the begin of Fall. Some of you with kids have already been back in your school routine for a month {the summers seem to keep getting shorter, don’t they?} and some of you won’t start until after Labor Day – but either way, the weather still says “Summer” and every last bit of it should be enjoyed … and what better way than with home made ice cream, of course!!!
My sister’s favorite flavor is Mint Chocolate Chip, and every few years I’ve tried my hand at making a yummy home made version – with varying results. Most recipes I’ve tried call for mint extract to provide the minty lightness, and I’ve found that usually it gave the ice cream an odd, “fake” flavor – not what I have in mind when I’m making ice cream from scratch! So, the other day I was missing my sister, had Mint Chocolate Chip on the brain again, and decided to give it another try. A few weeks ago I made a coconut ice cream recipe from Annie’s Eats {sooooo yummy! and it’s a simple, quick one, too :)} made from coconut milk that had the coconut flavor strengthen by steeping some flaked coconut in the milk. Yum! And so the idea for this version, spun off of hers and tweaked to include chocolate, was born.
16 oz half and half {or 1 cup heavy cream and 1 cup milk}
1/2 cup sugar
a sprig of fresh mint {mine was a gift from CameronHomemade – so kind of her!}
4 {+} oz chocolate
an ice cream maker
Combine the half and half, sugar and mint in a saucepan and heat until the sugar is dissolved, stirring occasionally.
Remove from heat and let steep for 10-30 minutes. {the longer you let the mint sit in the cream, the stronger your flavor will be – I let mine sit a bit too long {closer to 30 minutes}, resulting in a stronger mint flavor than I was looking for, but it’s still delicious!}
Remove the mint from the cream, straining if needed.
Chill your cream mixture thoroughly, overnight is best. {If you can’t wait, though, you can make an ice bath to speed up the process – place ice and water in a bowl larger than the one your mixture is in, place your cream bowl in the ice water and stir occasionally.}
Chocolate! I used a mix of Trader Joe’s Dark and 72% Dark, and the result was delicious!
Chop your chocolate – I was looking for chocolate slivers and shards for this version, but any type of chop will work :)
Once your cream mixture is chilled, pour into your ice cream maker and freeze according to manufacturer’s directions, adding the chocolate near the end of the process.
And then, enjoy! How do you like yours – cone or bowl? Or straight out of the container? ;) I love how this recipe turned out! I think I’d like to try some chocolate mint next time instead of spearmint to strengthen the chocolate flavor … mmm! 
To celebrate the last {traditional} week of Summer, we are unveiling a new feature here on the site – a special selection of Special Finds! Here you will find special, one-time finds with limited quantities that we have enjoyed in our home and are excited to share with you. We are looking forward to providing product reviews and also some “how-to’s” through the blog, and hope you enjoy them as much as we do. :) Our most recent find is {wait for it ……………} an ice cream maker! I hope that you enjoy these fun, brightly colored machines as much as we have ours. They are the electric, “ice-less” variety, which means that, if you store yours in your freezer as we do, you can have home made ice cream in under half an hour. Seriously, it’s the best! :)
Do you have plans for this last week of Summer? Will they include ice cream? ;)