little bits from the week
the photos that I capture on Instagram are just little bits and pieces of our life, and it’s really interesting to see what moments I capture {and which ones I don’t} – of course, it seems as if {since I instagram from our iPad} I only capture the things that stand still.
Which of course explains why Emma Grace, Ian and John don’t show up very often, but flowers, projects and Olivia do. Of course :)
If you’d like to follow along, I’m @pltmarket on Instagram <3
It’s been a few weeks since my last post like this, so let’s play catch up, shall we?
my sister-in-law is redoing her master bedroom in neutrals, gray and light pink – and asked for a custom garland to grace it. I love what I came up with!
have you tried {re}growing green onions yet?
silly baby girl! this is her “I’m such a funny girl – I can grin with my eyes shut!” face … and it melts me.
Of course, she also does this face when she is really tired and crying …. she’s a roller now! Olivia has been {purposefully} rolling her way across the room to get to the curtains and then plays peek-a-boo with herself in them :)
new cake garlands coming soon! “mr. & mrs.”, “hooray”, “congrats!” and “we do” will all be showing up … soon. I promise <3
Ian got to touch his first snake on Memorial Day {see? we’re really playing catch up!} and was absolutely fascinated Ian loves his toy horses. Almost as much as he loves his cars and guns :) He has a daddy horse and a little boy horse, and they seem to go on LOTS of adventures – I find them in some of the most random places!
being darling, of course <3
a custom cake garland – this time for a little guy’s Thomas the Tank Engine birthday
prepping inventory for the Hobnob Market!
my rose bush has been blooming! I’s still on the small side, so I’ve been hesitant to cut any long stems, but I’m loving snipping a small bloom every now and then!
I’ve been adding some new Red, White and Blue items to the shop – have you checked them out yet?
She loves sleeping on her tummy – and sticking her feet through her crib bars.
Rollin’, rollin’! She rolled her way over to the box and snatched the tape off of it – apparently it was a pretty fun chew toy until I snagged it away from her!
Last night I made up the Brown Eyed Baker’s Chocolate Bundt Cake. Yum. Next time I need a chocolate fix, I seriously need to choose a healthier recipe {although, this one DID have 5 eggs in it – can that count as breakfast? (if you don’t know what I’m referring to, you NEED to watch this video of Bill Cosby)}
another custom order! this time a banner of light blue hearts and cream circles stamped with “Bride to Be” – LOVE it! and might even make more for the shop {what do you think, maybe in custom colors?}
making up a newborn size lace onesie
and last, but not least, a super fun surprise – Pretty Prudent {aka Prudent Baby} featured our Subway Cupcake Toppers on their blog!!! To say I was excited to find out would be an understatement.
So there you have it – 3 weeks worth of pics in one fell swoop. Are you still with me? ;)
On to other things – I’m planning another giveaway {yay!} and would love your input. What would you like to win from my shop?
I hope you’re having a lovely weekend, enjoying the beginning of Summer {or Winter if you’re one of my lovelies in Australia} and soak in some time relaxing and being refreshed in your soul.
p.s. the giveaway is live! check it out and enter to win your very own set of 4th of July themed decor from the shop!