Instagram bits
the photos that I capture on Instagram are just little bits and pieces of our life, and it’s really interesting to see what moments I capture {and which ones I don’t} – of course, it seems as if {since I instagram from our iPad} I only capture the things that stand still. Which of course explains why Emma Grace, Ian and John don’t show up very often, but flowers, projects and Olivia do. :)
This week’s post is kind of a catch-up – so you get two weeks rolled into one. Enjoy!My Mother’s Day rose bush is looking so lovely <3 I’m a rose lover! Especially the soft colors – pink, white, even gray and soft purple – and the full, blowsy cottage types. :)
I asked – and you answered! This storage dresser in the sewing room might be getting a do-over, and many of you chimed in with your color suggestions. Thank you!
A sweet color combo on the It’s A Girl! cupcake toppers – I normally stamp the girl version with pink ink onto either vintage or white paper, and this customer asked to add some pink on pink – they turned out super darling!
our darling baby being her sweet little self <3
It’s graduation season! These purple stars are the size I normally carry in the shop, and the large gold ones are coming soon!
a custom bouquet of “Congrats Grad!” and “Class of 2013” dessert toppers
John had a week of vacation, and we spent most of it at home {or with my in-laws}. We did get away for an overnight, though! Brown County is Indiana’s largest state park, and quite lovely {and quite!} this time of year. We took the kiddos to Story Inn for the night, and then for a bit of an explore in the park itself the next day. They loved being on an “adventure” so much. A sweet color combo! These purple and pink butterfly toppers are on their way to a baby girl’s first birthday party :)
And my baby girl just keeps getting bigger! She’s a roller now, and loves to roll her way across the room. She started out on the blanket in the lower right, and made it all the way to my stash of baker’s twine on the other side of the sewing room. :)
How about you – you Instagram? What do you find shows up as a recurring theme in your photos?
Also, don’t forget to use the shop’s free shipping coupon if you’re planning on stocking up on any summer party goods! It expires tomorrow night, so don’t dilly dally too long :)