cleaning shop!
My family is coming to visit! {yay!!!} They live in California, so visits are few and far between. My parents are so excited to see the kiddos!
To make room for their stay, I’m doing a bit of cleaning and rearranging – part of which includes tidying up the studio so that my “creative process” is as unhindered as possible while they’re here {meaning I can still run the shop and spend time with them – I hope!}.
confetti shapes grab bag – $1 each
Which brings me to: I’ve listed a bunch of “grab bags” and batches of “not-quite-perfect” items in my Etsy shop. Each of the things listed is one of a kind, and some of them aren’t exactly perfect {but I couldn’t bring myself to toss them out – I just knew some of you would love them!}.
“not-quite-perfect” vintage music paper cupcake toppers – 30 for $3
multi-colored hearts grab bag – $2
Get ’em while they’re here! Chances are that – unlike the other hand made items in my shop – they won’t get re-stocked. Ever. So if you see something you like, snap it up!