Spring has sprung {finally} and a coupon for you
Spring has finally sprung and it is lovely.
I’ve loved anemones for a long time, but they’re a little too pricy as cut flowers for me to indulge – last year I saw a bag of starts for them and scooped them up. It looks like they might be purple or blue and I can hardly wait to see them! Now I’ll get to enjoy them spring after spring, year after year, and maybe as they spread, be able to divide them and share?
pinky orange tulips – another new one from last fall. I’m looking forward to seeing what color they turn out to be :)
faithful daffodils – I planted these the first fall we were here and they’ve been multiplying ever since. Always so cheery!
pots of seeds! hopefully the seedlings will show their heads soon :)
sunny daffodils keeping the candles on our table company :)
Has spring come to your neck of the woods? Or, if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere, have you been embracing cooler temps? How do you celebrate the changing seasons?
I’m eagerly looking forward to seeing the trees blooming – of course the trees at my parents’ home in California bloomed quite some time ago and I’ve also been seeing some bloggers’ photos of snow. :) Your location sure does make a difference!
I know many of you are beginning to – or are already in the midst of – planning your late spring and early summer events. Baby showers, birthday parties, Mother’s Day, weddings and graduations – there are so many coming up! To help you get an edge as you prep and plan, I’m offering a coupon to you lovely ones – 20% off of any order of $10 or more! Just enter spring13 as you check out and it will recalculate your total for you. This coupon will be valid for this week only, though, and expires on Sunday April 14, so you might want to take advantage of it while it’s here :)