Well, hello there! So nice of you to stop by – would you like to subscribe and come again?
Thank you so much for clicking over today. It’s great to have you here! :)
Have I mentioned that one of my amazing sisters is my main web guru? My husband does a lot of the nitty gritty, like adding my creations to the shop, but my sister helps when I have questions like “why don’t my italicized words show up in italics” and “can I redirect my blogger viewers to my new blog?” Answer to the second question: why yes, as a matter of fact, you can. And she made it happen!
Another question: “is there a way for my readers to subscribe to my Path Less Traveled posts via email?” Being the wonderful sister that she is, she made that happen, too.
As of last night there is a fun colored bar at the top of the site that says “Get deals and news from PLTMarket! Sign up”. And if you’d like to be notified when I post, say, about a flash sale or some photos of some darling new thing we’re adding to the shop or an amazing giveaway, that’s the link for you! If you choose to click on it, it will take you to a page where you can fill in your email address and then, ta da! (see, my italics work now – thanks Anna!) The next time I post something, you’ll get an email! Super simple. Super quick. And so, so convenient :)
Today Emily over at Chatting At the Sky is posting about the same thing, and her words express my feelings about blogging a bit better than my own do. I like to get most of my updates via email because it’s convenient for me, and her blog is one that I’ve subscribed to (her sister’s is another … both wonderful in their own way!). If that’s not you, that’s perfectly fine. :) We’re just trying to make this whole blogging thing as easy – and fun – for everyone as we can. Is there a way that you prefer to manage the things you read? I’d love to hear.
Do you blog? If you leave a link in the comments I’d love to click over and “meet” you. :)
All that being said, whatever way you come to visit here, I’m glad that you do. I’m thankful every day for the lovely readers and customers who stop by, for the fans on our facebook page, and all the wonderful instagram followers – you are all such a blessing.
Happy Monday to you all! And as a quick reminder, to day is the last day for placing an order with guaranteed Easter delivery – if there’s something that you’ve been eyeing for your celebration decor but haven’t made the decision yet, now is the time!
<3 Elizabeth