Be Kind
I know I’ve said it over and over and over, but I’ll say it again – I love custom orders. :)
A few days ago a teacher emailed to ask if I could make a custom banner for her classroom. She had something very specific for the phrase {it is going to be one of the focuses for her class this year} and colors {school colors, of course!} in mind, as well as a budget she needed to keep within. All of those factors came together, and we were able to make this fun reminder for her students:
As I was stringing the letters onto the ribbon I kept thinking “our kids need this! Maybe I should make another for their bedroom … or one for the bedroom, the playroom, the dining room …” :D
“Be kind” {Eph. 4:32} is one of the things we have been drilling into our little ones {along with “treating each other with love” and resolving conflicts amongst themselves before dragging Dad or Mom into it} and sometimes it seems like we’re actually making progress! And then the next moment I realize that ….not so much. It’s a day by day, moment by moment endeavor, and quitting at any point along the way is not an option. So yes, “Be Kind” banners for everywhere!
What phrase or word would you like to see in your home? And do you you think you’d like to see “Be Kind” in the shop?