family portrait
family portrait, originally uploaded by Lizi Beth.
family portrait, originally uploaded by Lizi Beth.
when I accidentally wake Emma up during her nap, she gives me a sleepy little grin and then puts her head back down, sucks her thumb, and goes back to sleep. I love her.
We gave John a movie and … … Twister! Emma really loves the Twister box [self] family portrait gift from mom and dad the cake – with coconut on top
… Emma has been enjoying her “new” toy bar VERY much. Thank you Grammie!
Grandma recently moved to a care facility near to my parents and grandpa. We stopped in to see her on Saturday the 11th so that she could meet her newest great-granddaughter (her 3rd great-grandchild).The visit went very well, and Grandma was very alert during the time we were there and seemed to know who Emma was. She was so tickled to meet her!
and so happy to see him again!
Uncle Ben and Emma play together. They play many things. Sometimes they play pirates. They have fun. Lots of fun. Can you tell?
Great Grandpa Jacobsen, originally uploaded by Lizi Beth. Grandpa and Emma met for the first time on Tuesday morning. They were both so happy to meet. Grandpa held her for a quite a while and Emma was just adorable and sweet the whole time!
seeing Auntie Julia again – so exciting! meeting Grampa meeting Great Gramma Moose the Moose Clan (Great) Auntie Leca (Great) Auntie Kathy & Emma Emma and I are in CA for a visit. We’ll be here for about a week and a half, and are enjoying meeting the West coast family for the first time! Four Generations