little pieces
the photos that I capture on Instagram are just little pieces of our life, and it’s really interesting to see what moments I capture {and which ones I don’t} – of course, it seems as if {since I instagram from our iPad} I only capture the things that stand still. Which of course explains why Emma Grace, Ian and John don’t show up very often, but flowers, projects and Olivia do. :)
the daffodils and candles on our table, just before I took the photos for {this post}
gardening hands – I almost always forget to wear gloves!
one afternoon I had a fun surprise – my vintage book page lanterns were featured in an Etsy Weddings email!
new product in progress – it means lots of experimenting with colors. Creating new things for you is one of the things I love about having a handmade business <3
sleeping babe – just another few days and she is moving from her moses basket to the full size crib we have used for both her sister and brother {onc John gets it down from the attic and I make her some sheets :)}
Olivia and mama <3
today is our 5th wedding anniversary {did you see the project I posted for it?} and I gave John this sweet “you & me” mug I found <3
and last but not least, the coupon code for you!
so there you have it! some little pieces of our past week – do you Instagram? If so, did you know that when you post photos of your purchases from the Path Less Traveled and tag them with #thepathlesstraveledmarket, they show up here on the right hand side of the site? It’s a fun way to share with others how you’re using your purchases, and I love seeing them, too!
Also, this weekend I’ll be sharing some customer photos – you’ll love them!