just enjoying
The last month and half have been busy. Wonderfully busy. And I’m sure you’ve noticed a few “time gaps” here on the blog, and you know what? It’s okay. {at least, that’s what I keep telling myself!}
God has been blessing us with the increase in business we’ve been praying for, and we are sooooo extremely grateful! Of course, that busyness often translates into me needing to make some choices – choices between blogging and other things {you know, folding the laundry, “outside time” with the kids, gardening, knitting, actually completing my Bible study … stuff like that}. And lately I’ve been making choices toward my family, and away from blogging. And I know you understand.
Because this little bit of Indian Summer won’t ever come back, Olivia will never have another summer where she’s learning to crawl through the grass, Ian will only think the wading pool is his ocean for so long, and Emma Grace is growing like a weed. Because we need to enjoy it. And enjoying it I am.
It won’t always be like this, only for a short season. Seasons like this are a good thing! The frenetic busyness is great! But just as great is the slow, purposeful enjoying of the moments that only come around once in a lifetime. Anyway, I’ll still be blogging. {actually, I have several terrific posts lined up that I know you’ll love!} But also, I’m working on taking time to slow down, making room in my days for the cherishing of little hands showing me “pretty rocks”, tiny blue eyes shining with joy and little sweaty curls of baby hair.
p.s. thank you all so much for your support and encouragement after my last post! I really appreciated your kindness and all of you who emailed requesting her to remove my post. Thankfully, the blogger has since removed my content from her site.
p.p.s. we have some new changes coming to the site! Hopefully in the next few days we’ll be able to completely overhaul the checkout procedure, streamlining it and enabling you to use any form of payment you’d like {not just PayPal} and I’ll let you know as soon as it’s ready :)