fresh for Fall 2013 – the Path Less Traveled has a new Autumn Line!
I’m happy to announce that my absence from the blog for the past few days has been quite productive – we have a brand NEW, fresh for Fall 2013 line up of gorgeous Autumn things!Autumn Pumpkin Dessert Toppers
Halloween Candy Bags
These are just a few of the goodies that I’ve been working on {there are more! And still more coming … :)}, and I hope they’ll find a special spot in your holiday celebrations this year. {by the way, many of the things in the shop are made to be re-used – meaning that things like the Autumn Pumpkin Garlands can become part of your family’s seasonal traditions!}
I’ve also added a few new holidays to the “Holiday” section of the shop – Breast Cancer Awareness, Halloween and Graduation. Yippee!
By the way, we’re working like crazy to get a few things updated around here {better check-out precess, anyone? we’re hoping to roll it out soon!} and I’ll let you know as soon as they’re ready to share. I can hardly wait!
Do you have projects that you’ve begun now that the seasons are beginning to change? {I’m trying to squeak in some knitting when I can … some days succeeding better than others}