Have you heard of fashion{ABLE}? No?
Let me introduce you to some of their loveliness:
What is fashionABLE, you ask? Here’s their mission statement: “The fashionABLE mission is to create sustainable business for Africans so they aren’t dependent upon charity, but instead earn the dignity of a job. We offer opportunity to everyone, with a primary focus on empowering women. When we invest in a woman, statistics demonstrate that she will have a life-changing impact on her family and community… and herself.”
A few weeks ago, several bloggers went on a trip to Ethiopia together to experience fashionABLE in action – and in anticipation, of the trip, they gave away a set of the new {and amazing!} leather clutch and a gorgeous gauze scarf. And I won the giveaway!!! {yes, there just might have been some squeals of delight as I opened the emails from Shannan and Trina, letting me know that I had won the amazing package!}
The products are lovely {and extremely well made}, and from what I can tell about the company, it is just as lovely, if not more so. Even though I am completely behind their mission {equipping women with skills and enabling them to leave the sex trade}, I might not have bought the items because of the price – but now I can tell you, they are so worth the money! I’m excited to be able to share about fashionABLE every time someone compliments me on them {and there have already been many complements} and spread the word about a company who is actively seeking to transform lives. And maybe, the lives that are being changed will find their very souls being renewed and wooed and restored by our Eternal Advocate, Friend and Savior?
p.s. can you read the notes that the ladies included? they are so precious!