knitting again
This summer has been pretty busy with Etsy orders and moving and my knitting got set aside for a while. I picked up the needles again a few weeks ago though. (so glad I did – had really been missing it)
The little ones and I were going to the pumpkin patch with our MOPS group on a Monday and I found this pattern {here} for a hat for Ian {on Pinterest here} the Friday before.
I had both orange and green yarns in my stash, he didn’t have any warm hats that still fit (he has an amazingly large head), and so I set to work!
It knit up beautifully and was finished in time for Em to model it while “helping” John rake leaves. : )
The hat fits Ian beautifully and he loves it! Now I need to make one for Emma Grace (she seems to think I made it for her and can’t understand that it actually belongs on her brother’s head). : )