Today was a big day.
A wonderful day, full of joy, and yet bittersweet.
Eric married my neighbor Deann.
Her mom, Eric’s parents, two other very dedicated and loving relatives and I, decorated the hall and yard this morning. We arrived at 7 am, and were finished by 10:30 (no, we weren’t experienced, just frantic).
Gayle (the bride’s mom) was a little stressed, but enjoying every minute. Gayle loves stress, thrives on it. Deann, on the other hand, does not! But it was okay. She made it until 5:30, when her dad walked his daughter down the aisle and gave her away.
The afternoon was hot, but it made the bride and groom even more radiant. The officiating minister challenged Eric and Deann to put Christ at the center of their marriage. He challenged them to love sacrificially, as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for her. They promised to be true to each other until death. God, grant that this may be so! May God bless them with a knowledge of His love, His love for them and for each other.
“A man should leave his father and mother, and be forever united to his wife. The two shall become one – no longer two, but one! And no man may divorce what God has joined together.”
– Matthew 19:5-6 (Living Translation)