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Category: spring

12 weeks old yesterday

12 weeks old yesterday

Emma and I walked about 1/2 a mile to the soccer complex down the street yesterday. The soccer fields have a small grove of shade trees off to one side, and, since it was over 80 for most of the afternoon, the shade felt wonderful.
Yesterday was the first time that Emma and I have gone to a park alone and we just laid on the ground, enjoying the outdoors. Even though the busy street was close by it still felt quiet and peaceful. All that was missing was a hammock and a glass of lemonade!

Emma really enjoyed laying on her back and looking up at the leaves, branches, sky and the light playing off of it all. It was like one giant green mobile. She would get excited when the breeze picked up, “talking” and waving, sputtering bubbles and kicking vigorously.

last night

last night

Emma was tired and cranky, but too tired to easily fall asleep. John held her and soothed her while I got dinner together (we had fajitas – so I didn’t really cook, just brought all the ingredients together), and when I looked up she was sound asleep. Safe, secure, and cuddled on her daddy’s chest.

I went outside to look at the little plants after the dishes were done, and noticed through the window that John was reading in our room. It was such a peaceful sight: his toes sticking up over the footboard, all in silhouette, with the curtain blowing in the breeze.

It was a peace-filled evening.

mother’s day 2009

mother’s day 2009

family of three, originally uploaded by Lizi Beth.

‘Twas a lovely day. I felt so loved and honored all day long.

John made me breakfast in bed and entertained Emma so that I could sleep another hour (not sure which gift I appreciated more!). They gave me a bouquet of roses, a gift certificate for a pedicure and a frame for a picture of Emma.

Emma had “encouraged” us to start our day a few hours earlier than planned, so we had time to leisurely enjoy our coffee together before heading off to church.
Afterwards we hurried home to make put the furniture back in place (John cleaned the carpet yesterday – thank you Darling!) and make lunch for family who had phoned to let us know that they would be arriving slightly ahead of schedule – by two hours!

Lunch turned out great, and we had a wonderful afternoon visiting with them all – John’s mom Teri, sister Sarah and brother Brian, brother’s fiancee Leah and her sister Esther. They were returning from a road trip for Brian’s graduation from Liberty University with a master’s degree in (international?) business.
John and I finished the evening by reading together as the light was fading … and finishing off the rest of the cheesecake. :)

Here’s a sweet tribute – of sorts – to motherhood that I heard on NPR: At My Place, Every Day Is Mother’s Day

I hope you all had a beautiful day celebrating your own mothers – or being celebrated!

rainy day

rainy day

There is nothing better on a rainy day than a cup of cinnamon-laced coffee and a crowing baby. Other than having the baby’s daddy here, too, of course. But he’ll be back soon, and then we can enjoy the rain, the coffee, and our precious little baby together.

She is a little sunshine today, happy and cooing after a 12-hour night(!).

We are spending our morning nursing, listening to the rain through the open porch door, listening: (to the one on worry – good words, brought by Curtis Jones), nursing, napping (that’s Emma’s part), sewing and tidying up.

Oh, and trying to stay away from the cookies: They do go well with coffee.

quote to ponder, pictures after the storm

quote to ponder, pictures after the storm

“By praying for our husbands and looking to the Lord rather than to our circumstances, we trust Him to carry both our husband and his burden. Then from the overflow of our hearts, we can give back to and encourage our men.” -shaunti feldhahn, For Women Only

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six weeks old

six weeks old

pretty new dress, originally uploaded by Lizi Beth.

She loves: baths, being held, movement, music, foot rubs, and being swaddled (such a girl!). Our little one is tipping the scales at 11 pounds 4 ounces, is (very occasionally) sleeping 6-7 hours at night, has graduated to size 2 diapers and has developed a distinctive “hungry” cry.

new life

new life

I know that it was there all winter, but really, everything seemed so dead. The yards, parks and roadsides were beginning to seem as if they were populated by skeleton trees and a remnant of brave but lonely evergreens.
And then one day last week, we went to the park. The Bradford Pear and tulip trees were blooming. The first of them all to bloom and leaf out. The rest of the trees and bushes almost seemed to be waiting for them to take the lead, for now there is a hazy green film everywhere. Just in time for Easter. How appropriate.

As long as the earth endures,
seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat,
summer and winter,
day and night
will never cease
. -Gen 8:22

If those words have proven true, these will as well:

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with Me that you also may be where I am. -John 14:3