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hello again, Loves!

hello again, Loves!

Well, hello again :)

It has been  …far too long. And I apologize for the site being down for FOUR months {Gah!!! Too long!!!}! There is so much that I missed sharing with you, so much that has happened in our lives.

How has your summer been? {and spring also, since I was gone for that, too!}

backyard funWe have been so incredibly busy with the shop, and God has been leading our little family with it {more on that later}.

backyard funSummer has been cool here, and the kids have been growing like weeds. Olivia is talking, and talking about everything {so, so incredibly sweet}.

backyard fun


I can’t wait to catch up with you lovelies in the days and weeks to come, and share some of the projects we’ve been working on! In the meantime, I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to {vacations? new babies? home projects?}.



hello {again}

hello {again}

It’s been …. awhile. Life just keeps moving, doesn’t it?

We’ve been quite busy around here since the last post {Christmas!} – adding new things, figuring out new direction to take with the shop {and if we are taking a new direction – the answer? “Sort of”}. The littles are growing {Olivia is talking!} like crazy, and I’m trying not to blink and miss this precious time.

Here are some photos of the newest additions to the shop {and some fun custom projects, too!} that I thought you might enjoy :)

"Hitched" cupcake toppers from the Path Less Traveled new cupcake toppers in the Etsy shop! {inspired by the toppers for the barn wedding}High Chair Birthday Banner from the Path Less Traveled new First Birthday High Chair Garlands in the Etsy shop {and now I’m wondering why I didn’t think to make these for our own little ones’ first birthdays!}DSC_0014 a custom version of the New York Subway toppers – too cute with the “All Aboard!” flags personalized cake topper | the Path Less Traveleda personalized cake garland – such a sweet hybrid of the Name Bunting and the Confetti Garland!

DSC_0243Hopefully I’ll be able to get you caught up to speed soon {with lots of photos!}, but in the meantime,how are you? I’ve missed chatting here with you. Did you have a lovely holiday season? Make New Year’s resolutions? Are you snowed in {or experiencing 80 degree weather?}?

there are some new lovelies in town – introducing our new cork coasters!

there are some new lovelies in town – introducing our new cork coasters!

Well, hello again! Nothing quite like an unintentional break on a blog, is there? :) In between business picking up, a baby girl who is trying to catch up with her siblings and has learned to crawl, climb and WALK {!}, and, well, life …. this blog graciously took a back seat for a bit. I’m sure you understand! I’m back {at least, I plan to be – we’ll see how this goes!}, and I have a brand new product line to share – cork coasters!

DSC_0151Cork Snowflake Coasters, set of 4 | the Path Less TraveledDecorate (and protect) your table top with this set of versatile and eco-friendly heart shaped coasters (and they can be turned into ornaments, too!)!

Cork Christmas Tree Coasters, set of 4 | the Path Less TraveledCork Star Coasters or Ornaments, Set of 4 | the Path Less TraveledShamrock Coasters or Ornaments, Set of 4 | the Path Less TraveledShamrock Coasters or Ornaments, Set of 4 | the Path Less TraveledCork Christmas Ornament Coasters, set of 4 | the Path Less TraveledCork Snowflake Coasters, set of 4 | the Path Less TraveledDSC_0180Cork Snowflake Coasters, set of 4 | the Path Less Traveled DSC_0138

Our range right now includes 6 shapes: snowflakes, hearts, Christmas trees, Christmas ornaments, shamrocks and stars. We are making them available in sets of 4, 6 or  10, and offering the option to include ribbons with them so that they can be used as ornaments. They are all handmade by us from natural cork which has legendary heat absorption properties. If yours get a “ring” on it from use {a hot chocolate spill, perhaps?}, just use a cloth dampened with clear water to clean it.

We have been making a list of all the different ways to use these versatile little coasters, and so far have come up with:

– hostess gifts

– stocking stuffers

– graduation gifts

– wedding or party favors

– housewarming gifts

– Christmas ornaments {attach a photo one and use it as a gift for the grandparents!}

– teacher appreciation gifts

and the list is still growing!

What do you think? Can you add an occasion or use for these to the list?

a little post on intellectual property, copyrights, plagiarism and stuff like that

a little post on intellectual property, copyrights, plagiarism and stuff like that

Oooo, this is a rough post to tackle, and one that I wish I didn’t have to write. But, when you are a creative artist who posts content online for all to see, chances are it’ll happen eventually. What’s “it”, you might be asking? The “it” could be anything that fits in this topic, I guess, but today the “it” I’m referring to is the unauthorized re-posting of my content – i.e. plagiarism.

plagiarize: to use the words or ideas of another person as if they were your own words or ideas, :  to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one’s own :  use (another’s production) without crediting the source {}

One afternoon last week I got an email from my web-service informing me that my content had been reposted. Now, this in itself is not new – often bloggers will link to content from my blog or the shop, and it’s usually just fine {i.e. linked back to me and my site} – but when I checked to see who it was and how they had quoted me, I just about fell off of my chair. This is what greeted me:

Screen Shot 2013-09-06 at 6.52.16 PMher post

Yes, someone had ripped an entire post {word for word!} with absolutely no credit or link back to me, my site or the original post.
Screen Shot 2013-09-12 at 9.57.47 PM

my post 

Screen Shot 2013-09-06 at 6.52.22 PMher post

Screen Shot 2013-09-12 at 9.57.55 PMmy post

Screen Shot 2013-09-06 at 6.52.29 PM
her post

Screen Shot 2013-09-12 at 9.58.31 PMmy post

Even though I was quite taken aback by the fact that someone had stolen my work, what really got me upset was that they were also using photos of my children to further their own gain. My children. The mama bear in me started to roar!

I immediately contacted the blog author regarding it, but have yet to receive a response {other than her editing out some of the text on the post – but still, all the words are mine!}. My work here is all copyrighted {see the notice at the bottom of each page}, and using any of the photos or text without my permission or referring the credit to me constitutes blatant plagiarism and copyright infringement. Unfortunately, other than sending letters notifying her of the issue and requiring her to remove the post and recruiting you lovelies to do the same, it seems that there’s very little that can be done unless I am ready to hire a lawyer to act on our behalf.

I remember hearing teachers and professors lecturing students about plagiarizing assignments and wondering why anyone would ever stoop to the level of stealing someone else’s work and passing it off as their own – I just can’t understand why someone would do it. They say that the sincerest form of flattery is to copy, but stealing is in an entirely different category altogether.

This blog post on Oh My Handmade Goodness has some wonderful tips and resources about copyrights, intellectual property and infringement {and the rest of their site has some great resources for handmade shop owners and artists, too}.

Have any of you experienced this? Do you have tips or resources that you’d like to share? Please do!

’till next time,

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fresh for Fall 2013 – the Path Less Traveled has a new Autumn Line!

fresh for Fall 2013 – the Path Less Traveled has a new Autumn Line!

I’m happy to announce that my absence from the blog for the past few days has been quite productive – we have a brand NEW, fresh for Fall 2013 line up of gorgeous Autumn things!These Autumn Pumpkin Dessert Toppers are perfect for adding a bit of festive spice to your holiday pies and desserts!Autumn Pumpkin Dessert ToppersAutumn Pumpkin Dessert ToppersDSC_0095These Halloween Heart Handled Gift and Candy Bags are perfect solutions for holding party favors, small gifts, gift cards, baked goods, nuts & candy, and table decor.Halloween Candy Bags

This harvest orange Pumpkin Garland will add just the spice you're looking for to your celebration and home decor!Autumn Pumpkin Garlands

These are just a few of the goodies that I’ve been working on {there are more! And still more coming … :)}, and I hope they’ll find a special spot in your holiday celebrations this year. {by the way, many of the things in the shop are made to be re-used – meaning that things like the Autumn Pumpkin Garlands can become part of your family’s seasonal traditions!}

I’ve also added a few new holidays to the “Holiday” section of the shop – Breast Cancer Awareness, Halloween and Graduation. Yippee!

By the way, we’re working like crazy to get a few things updated around here {better check-out precess, anyone? we’re hoping to roll it out soon!} and I’ll let you  know as soon as they’re ready to share. I can hardly wait!

Do you have projects that you’ve begun now that the seasons are beginning to change? {I’m trying to squeak in some knitting when I can … some days succeeding better than others}


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a little sneak peek – fall is in the air!

a little sneak peek – fall is in the air!

a fall sneak peek a fall sneak peekI’ve been a bit absent around here, but there’s a good reason – we’ve been hard at work! The shop has been thriving {which is wonderful! but it also means that I’m quite busy} and there are some pretty festive new things coming to the shop. The seasons are changing and fall is in the air! Stay tuned for more …. :)


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the hobnob summer market

the hobnob summer market

Do you remember this little preview that I gave you a few weeks ago?

Well, it’s happening! I have a booth booked at the Hobnob Summer Market!

the Path Less Traveled at the Hobnob Summer MarketThey’ve been doing a wonderful job promoting each of the vendors, both online and in print, and a few days ago I noticed that they had posted this little bio of me and my shop on their facebook page – I love how they put it together :) {and yes, if you’re looking for any of the items in this image, I’ll be bringing them with me!}

My sister-in-law, a friend and I are going to be sharing a booth, and I’m excited! I’ll be bring Olivia with me too, so any of you who have been dying to squeeze her sweet baby chub will have a chance to snuggle her sweetness in person {provided you, you know, you’re normal and not all stalker-ish and weird, because that would not be cool, mkay?}

Do you live in the Illinois/Indiana area? If so, I’d love to see you there! Stop by and say “hi” if you come, and you might even get a cupcake :)

Now, I’m off to make a few more dozen sets of cupcake toppers – eek! It’s getting to be crunch time!




p.s. sharing here today:

In other online news …

In other online news …

In other online news … our Atlas Cupcake Toppers have made it onto the Country Living website!

We're in Country Living!

Last week I was contacted by one of the editors of Country Living.

She was checking to see if I would mind submitting some photos and products to be considered for one of their web features – after a split second of thought I responded with “sure!” {of course!}

We emailed back and forth a bit, and this week the feature on hand-made wedding cake toppers went live {yay!}. Each one  of the cake toppers featured is sweet and lovely in it’s own way – I’d love to be able to use them all! I’m so thrilled and grateful to be included – God is so good and surprises me with the ways that He is growing our business on our behalf. :D


Instagram Love

Instagram Love

Hello :)

There’s a fun new feature here on the site – a widget that allows us to feature your lovely Instagram photos showing how much you love your pieces from the Path Less Traveled!

instagram love

Want to see one of your photos featured in it? Simply add #thePathLessTraveledMarket to your Instagram photos, and they’ll appear on the right hand side of our site! I’m really excited to see what you post as you share the Instagram love :D

On a similar note, you can follow me on Instagram to see what lovelies I’m working on {and cute baby photos, too, of course :)} – my username is @pltmarket.

Hope you’re having a lovely day!


weekly shop update

weekly shop update

How have you been? Wonderful, I hope :)

Things around here have been wonderful, exhausting, exciting, busy, sometimes overwhelming (okay, overwhelming more often than I’d like to think), but wonder-ful.

 With scenes like this, how could it not be? :)
Olivia just turned 6 weeks old {where did those weeks go?} and has begun to laugh a bit. Little things like a baby’s laugh can really brighten your day when you’re covered in said baby’s spit-up. :) And the other two are still completely smitten with her!

 But this post is supposed to be a shop update, not a baby update {but baby updates are a bit cuter and sweeter, yes?} :)
 So …. did you see on the facebook page that I’ve put the silhouettes back in the shop? If you were wanting one (or more!) and didn’t get it before I discontinued them, contact me and we can talk about it.
As long as I’m talking about the facebook page, have you been seeing my updates in your feed? Chances are, with the changes facebook has been making, you might not … so, if you’d like to change that {you would, right? :)}, after you “like” the page, hover over what is now the “liked” button, and select “Get in news feed.” That way you’ll be able to see when I post new things like coupons{!}, flash sales{!}, or random photos of a cute little baby. :)

 screen shot of the work in progress

Next up – our brand new web site {coming soon to a computer/mobile screen near you!}!
My sister {who is really gifted when it comes to tech-y things} has been helping us put together our own web site. It should be ready to go live in another day or two, and I’ll let you know when it does. It will be an integrated shop/blog, a site that has all of our web stuff on it {even Instagram pics :)}. We are working to make sure that when you head here to the blog, you are automatically re-directed to the new location, making the transition as seamless as possible. Oh my, I’m so excited!

There are some other things I was going to tell you, too ….. but I can’t remember right now. Oh well, they can wait until next week. :)

<3 p.s. can you believe it’s just a month until Valentine’s Day? I’d better start helping the kiddos make their cards and gifts for the grandparents {things like that can take a while when they are more interested in cutting up the finished products than in the idea of giving them away}!