Pictures, for all of you who have been suspecting that “something” was going on ……….

John came to visit! He flew in to CA (from IN – did you know that it is cold back there? who’d have thought … ) middle of Friday, and Dad and he finally arrived here at about 10:30pm (due to some delays with Dad’s flight schedule), just in time for a very late dinner.
It was wonderful to see John again, after about 8 months …….. a lot can happen in 8 months (yes, Abby, I know that that was an understatement).
Saturday was a quiet, fun, sun filled day. It started with a belated Valentine breakfast (waffles) and there was much giving and receiving of gifts. (no pics)
John gave me a great big, white teddy bear and a very large red mug with hearts on it. The mug holds about 16 oz of coffee … enough to get me through the morning!
After a while we decided to take a walk, original, I know. It was really more along the lines of “adventuring” ………
We hiked up the hill behind the house, got a bit sunburned, saw a glimpse of the Sierra Nevada through the haze, Ben ended up with blisters on his feet (he called them …….. oh, I can’t remember what he called them ………… but it was really funny), and we all had a great time. (once again, no pics)

Grandpa and Grandma came over for dinner, and Grandma let me know that she thinks John is a “very fine young man”. Well, so do I.
We ended the day by watching Facing the Giants, a movie that Daniel got for Christmas. (no pics)
Sunday started with church (of course). On our way home it started to rain. We spent the afternoon walking around Grant’s Grove (about an hour’s drive away), looking at giant Sequoias, playing in the snow and rain and goofing off.

We ended up wet and tired, and enjoyed a glorious sunset on the way down the mountain.
John is now on his way home, back to freezing Indiana. He is already missed – Ben is a bit forlorn that he no longer has anyone to show his new frog to. :-) However, Ben is not the only one who misses him …….. I do too!
Mom made a web-album of some of the pictures from this weekend: