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Category: my darling John

quote to ponder

quote to ponder

Every wedding gives birth to a new history, a new beginning. The spiritual meaning of marriage is found in maintaining that history together.

Becoming one – in the deepest, most intimate sense – takes time. It’s a journey that never really ends.
– Gary Thomas,
Sacred Marriage, chapter VII

thought of the moment

thought of the moment

I miss John so much. So very much. And love him, too! (Did I need to add that?)

Am I dreaming such absurdities
I’m flying, and you’re here with me
We fingerpaint the sky

Chase constellations sliding by
Connect their dots and dance on tightropes in between
We twirl and
laugh about these crazy things we dream
And then I kiss you
And I wake myself

Still laughing

It’s daybreak, and the whole world’s new
The sun smiles, but where are you?

Wish I could hold you again

Nothing a daydream cannot mend

You smile and promise me you’ll always be around

I whisper hallelu’s and sing your name out loud
But no one hears me
Well, at least for now I’m smiling

“amusing” by chris rice

wedding updates

wedding updates

Oh, wedding preparations here are going well.
Very well.
There have been tears along the way, but, my goodness, when you put two (or more) very opinionated women together, tears happen. It’s not as if any of the females in this household lack an opinion, or the conviction that their’s is the correct one! We are learning grace, as well as laughter.

In other news, I have another bridal gown. Why? Because the seamstress altered the other one. More than I realized she was going to. In ways that I can’t fix. Number Two is gorgeous. Gorgeous-er than Number One. It will be stunning. Mom asked me what I thought my Darling John will say about, and I replied, “He won’t be able to say anything.” That gorgeous. Oh, yes!
A friend from church has offered to help make it fit absolutely perfectly (it’s already pretty close).

John and I are getting a bit antsy. He told me, “49 more days until I fly out there.” 49 days. Seems as if those days are dragging by at a snail’s pace, but moving they are.



John is moving into an apartment this weekend. I so want to be with him. I want to help him move in, hang the drapes, wash the windows, put the dishes in the cupboard and find just the right place for the lamp.
But I can’t.
So, in the mean time, I am working on the wedding.

-an idea for centerpieces-

Trying to find a balance between it all (meaning family-life, friends, church, wedding ….). And trying to remember that God has put me in this place, with all my longings, desires and frustrations, that I might learn of Him.

pre-marital life lessons

pre-marital life lessons

“Far from being a compromise, in one sense, marriage might be the toughest ministry [you] could ever undertake. …
“If you want to be free to serve Jesus, there’s no question – stay single. Marriage takes a lot of time. But if you want to become more like Jesus, I can’t imagine a better thing to do than to get married. Being married forces you to face some character issues you’d never have to face otherwise.”
Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas, chp. I

“… that’s what marriage is for – to teach us how to love.”
Ibid, chp. III