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2 years ago

2 years ago

we were madly running errands, rehearsing, and celebrating because on the next day

what a difference two years makes!

“the divinest gift of marriage is this – the daily, unconscious growing of two souls into one. Aspirations and ambitions merge, each with the other, and love grows fast to love. Unselfishness answers to unselfishness, tenderness responds to tenderness, and the highest joy of each is the well-being of the other. … Day by day and year by year the bond becomes closer and dearer, until at last the two are one, and even death is no division.”
-myrtle reed, Flower of the Dusk
wedding road trip

wedding road trip

A close friend got married in Michigan last weekend, and, since John was unable to go to the wedding, his mom (VERY graciously – thank you!!!!) offered to drive with me and Emma.
So, here are a few pictures from the weekend:

must start with these. of course. because there is an adorable baby in them. and a handsome brother-in-law. and it was the start of the trip.

John drove halfway to Indianapolis and Evan drove halfway to Cincinnati. We met at McD’s (which happens to sell a fair iced mocha).

bonding time with Grandpa S.

more brothers-in-law, making sure the van was ready (i.e. pretending to drive)

the bride’s family hosted a picnic for all the out of town friends and family on Friday night

a few extra hands on deck never hurts when it comes to getting ready for a wedding! Bobbie Sue had just finished curling and pinning up 12 other heads, and was running low on time …

all those years of arranging flowers from the yard came in to play here (I stole the pic off of Facebook)

Alanna and her dad

exchanging rings

the ring bearer and flower girls stole the show at the end

so precociously cute

catching up, so much to say and yet so little time

announcing Mr. and Mrs. Jim Soderna

Becca meeting Emma (Emma likes her)

various Romania alumni

the lovely and much adored Stefana “Mama” Copu finally got to meet our Em

mother’s day 2009

mother’s day 2009

family of three, originally uploaded by Lizi Beth.

‘Twas a lovely day. I felt so loved and honored all day long.

John made me breakfast in bed and entertained Emma so that I could sleep another hour (not sure which gift I appreciated more!). They gave me a bouquet of roses, a gift certificate for a pedicure and a frame for a picture of Emma.

Emma had “encouraged” us to start our day a few hours earlier than planned, so we had time to leisurely enjoy our coffee together before heading off to church.
Afterwards we hurried home to make put the furniture back in place (John cleaned the carpet yesterday – thank you Darling!) and make lunch for family who had phoned to let us know that they would be arriving slightly ahead of schedule – by two hours!

Lunch turned out great, and we had a wonderful afternoon visiting with them all – John’s mom Teri, sister Sarah and brother Brian, brother’s fiancee Leah and her sister Esther. They were returning from a road trip for Brian’s graduation from Liberty University with a master’s degree in (international?) business.
John and I finished the evening by reading together as the light was fading … and finishing off the rest of the cheesecake. :)

Here’s a sweet tribute – of sorts – to motherhood that I heard on NPR: At My Place, Every Day Is Mother’s Day

I hope you all had a beautiful day celebrating your own mothers – or being celebrated!

still wondering

still wondering

I found this post saved as a draft from December 2007.

chorus: When did you fall in love with me?
Was it out of the blue
‘Cause I swear I never knew it
When did you let your heart run free?
Have you been waiting long?
When did you fall in love with me?
When did you fall in love?

Make your way over here, sit down by this fool, and let’s rewind
C’mon, let’s go back and replay all our scenes
You can point out the hints, the clues, the twists and the smiles this time
All the ones that slipped by me
I bet my face is red, and you can hear my heart poundin’
Well I guess it don’t matter now that I realize
‘Cause baby I missed it then, but I can surely see you now
Right there before my eyes
You’re my beautiful surprise


Was it at the coffee shop
Or that morning at the bus stop
When [I] almost slipped, and [you] caught [my] hand
Or the time we built the snowman …
Or the night with the scary thunderstorm
I never saw the signs
Now we’ve got to make up for lost time
And I can tell now by the way that you’re looking at me
I’d better finish this song so my lips will be free
Have you been waiting long, when did you fall in love
I kept you waiting so long, when did you fall
Have you been waiting long
When did you fall in love with me
When did you fall in love?

– chris rice, “when did you fall”

quote to ponder, pictures after the storm

quote to ponder, pictures after the storm

“By praying for our husbands and looking to the Lord rather than to our circumstances, we trust Him to carry both our husband and his burden. Then from the overflow of our hearts, we can give back to and encourage our men.” -shaunti feldhahn, For Women Only

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cute clothes make the day better

cute clothes make the day better

Emma and I have been having a …… trying day. We have been bothered by what seems to be some very uncomfortable gas in her tummy. Nothing I have done has been able to calm her for long. So, knowing that a cute baby is harder to be upset with and to reduce the likelihood of frustration on my part, I put her into one of her adorable outfits. I’m not sure if it made her feel better, but it helped me.

She did enjoy putting it on, though.

Emma finally settled down for a long nap …

… and her bow slipped down over her eyes. I was not about to move it because 1) she might wake up, and 2), it was really cute!
a timely and wise reminder

a timely and wise reminder

“Prize Your Husband” from Carolyn Mahaney’s blog, girl talk:

“…The Bible makes it very clear that after our relationship with God, our relationship with our husband is to be our highest priority (Gen 2:18, 1 Cor. 11:8-9, Tit. 2:3-5). We were created to be our husband’s helper, not our children’s mother.
Certainly we are to love, care for, and nurture our children, but this love is to flow out of a lifestyle that is first and foremost committed to helping our husbands. Our husbands should always remain first in our hearts and in our care.”