the kids’ room – a tour
If you’ve been following along with me on Facebook, you might have heard that we have a new office space! Before I show it to you though, I thought you might like to see where we moved from {and what was the “new” office in January :)}. But of course, before I can show what was the office, I have to show what was in the old office before it was the office {so that next I can show the old office, of course}. :)
Emma Grace and Ian have been sharing a room since Ian was 6 months old, and they love it. They’re 15 months apart in age, and best friends {the 15 months apart bit is crazy, but I love that they’re best friends. I hope it never ends.}. So of course, the room has to be a boy/girl combo. It was a work in progress, always getting tweaked {but isn’t that the way with all the best things?}
Emma Grace’s bed corner, all girlied up
The paintings on her wall are super light weight {I’m a bit skittish about hanging heavy things over beds since I grew up in California (you know, earthquakes and all)}, and were fun thrift store finds.
Ian’s corner, with their shared dresser.
The light switch cover with the retro little boy and girl is from my dad’s childhood home. :)
The car mat is an old one from my grandma’s house. We all used to play with it at her house, and now Ian is using it every day {I think she found it at World Market about 20 years ago and they of course don’t sell it anymore, but this one is similar}.
The prints are from here.
The stars are from some of our parties {mostly Ian’s cowboy and car themed parties} and I made a few in light green and polka dots to round out the group. I wanted to have something to add color to the corner, but thought that the poufs I used for Emma Grace’s corner were a bit too girly for his side. :) Ian is crazy about cars, animals, airplanes and cowboys, so I kept his corner a bit neutral on theme and it goes with everything his imagination cooks up.
The triangle bunting is something I made for Emma Grace’s second birthday party {she was super into Winnie the Pooh :)}, and has held up really well over the years. So many people have loved it through the years that I’ve added a few versions of it to the shop!
The play corner – John installed the shelf at a toddler height {about 2 feet} and it worked well for their little stuffies, baskets of play food, dolls, etc. The middle paper doll art is by me {vintage paper dolls in a shadow box}, and the prints on either side are from here.
They all love the play kitchen, and spend hours in imaginary play with it. John’s parents gave it to them for Christmas, and it has been fabulous. Really, I can hardly say enough about this little kitchen! The prints are a combination of thrift store find {Winnie the Pooh}, note cards that I framed and a magazine snippet.
Olivia didn’t sleep in their room, but it might as well have been hers too for the time she spent playing in it.
And that was their room! The photos were taken on the same day that we started to repaint the room and then the next day it was the office {which I’ll be showing you super soon :)}.