(another) precious baby boy
We got a new nephew last night!
John’s twin and his wife birthed an adorable baby boy named Owen Hunter. I’ve heard that Mommy, Daddy and Baby are all doing well and am so looking forward to hearing his special arrival story!
Thinking about them as they are getting acquainted with each other, seeing their baby son face to face for the first time and just resting after all the hard work of pregnancy and birth brings memories of the few days of being in the hospital with our Emma Grace.
Emma was born late at night and we were so very tired, but also so very happy. The day of and following her birth were two of the best days of our lives. That little recovery room in the maternity wing was our own private sanctuary, a place where we learned to know our baby girl, our firstborn, a place to just be quiet and still together and bask in the joy.
Sweet, sweet memories.
Owen, we can’t wait to meet you, to love on you and to kiss your darling baby nose. You have been a much prayed for baby and we are terrible excited to finally see you! Love to you three(!) and hope to see you soon!