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Category: birthdays

customer love – Winter ONEderland Birthday edition!

customer love – Winter ONEderland Birthday edition!

Do you remember the custom snowflake cake garland I posted the other day?custom snowflake topper {and an update!}It was part of a batch of things I put together for a darling “Winter ONEdarland” themed first birthday, and I was so excited to open the email full of photos that the mama sent after the party! Look at how darling it was!!! a darling Winter ONEderland Birthday drink table and party decor ideas | The Path Less Traveled MarketThe colors she used were pink, blush, cream, white, glitter gold and aqua. Jaclyn emailed asking if the Confetti Circles Garland‘s colors could be tweaked a tad (my answer – “of course!”), and from there we added some Large Snowflake Garlands, a few custom garlands that were a combination of the two others (love this idea! and when I get a free day or two I might add a version to the shop – they’re so sweet!)

Winter ONEderland Birthday party ideas! | The Path Less Traveled MarketFor the cake topper, Jaclyn had the idea of combining two of the Snowflake Dessert Toppers with a mini version of the Confetti Circles Garland and the result (again!) was absolutely gorgeous and had me wondering why I hadn’t added something like it to the shop already. Amazing job Jaclyn! I love everything about this! :)

Do you have photos that you’d like to share? If so, you can either email them to me at or tag them with #thepathlesstraveledmarket on Instagram – we’d all love to see your ideas!


p.s. I often send “thank you” coupons to the lovelies who let me share their photos with you – so if you’re looking for a coupon for your next order, sharing photos is a great way to get a discount!



Emma was very interested in the birthday pound cake. :)

It has been a good year.
John had his first Father’s Day.
Emma and I went to visit my family in California.
Brian and Leah got married.
We moved.
Found out that God had given us Baby #2.
John’s sister Sarah flew with Emma and me to California to visit my Gramma just before she died.
Emma had her first Thanksgiving and Christmas.
John and Emma and I went to see the CA Jacobsens.
Emma learned to walk, turned one and cut some molars.
We celebrated our second anniversary by dropping Em off with some friends and going out for a rare but wonderful date.
Emma went on her first Easter egg hunt.
Ian was born!



Emma’s birthday is just around the corner (where did the year go?!), and in anticipation of it there are a few projects that I am working on.
The napkins are for the party that we are planning to have with the Smillies, and the ribbons might be part of Emma’s first year album that I am hoping to have finished by then.
At the rate that I am finishing pages, though, I will be doing well to have the album done by the time Baby #2 is here!



We gave John a movie and …

… Twister!

Emma really loves the Twister box

[self] family portrait

gift from mom and dad

the cake – with coconut on top

Happy Birthday Darling!!!

Happy Birthday Darling!!!

the brand new birthday banner (very fresh, as in, made today …)

breakfast in bed

I am thoroughly convinced that I have been blessed with the best husband in the world. Really. He has come home and cooked dinner when I haven’t been feeling well, sent me off to take a bath, and then asked if there was anything else he could do for me. He patiently waits at the doorway of the women’s dressing room, and doesn’t mention it if “nothing works”. He makes sure to tell me he thinks I’m beautiful, especially when I am feeling particularly “un-beautiful”. I could go on and on, but I need to get the cake frosted. So I’ll get to the point. Today is John’s birthday, and I am terribly grateful for (and in love with) him.

Happy birthday, Baby. I love you.

birthday joys

birthday joys

The family sent a package for my birthday … and I opened it this morning.
It had 22 little packages inside – all numbered – and I am still opening them!