My notes from session three of the Deeper Still conference, San Francisco, March 9-10

Appropriate the power of God’s grace to take you through the trial – it is sufficient to take you through any fire.
II Corinthians 12:7-10
v. 9 – the law came through Moses, grace and truth through Christ
grace = power (not to sin)
Final answer: “I am not taking away the thorn, My grace is perfected in weakness.”
v. 10 – when I am weak, THEN I am strong.
Acts 13:22 – Do I have my heart set on the things of God? Even after I have fallen? Do I desire to be a precious one of God? What is my heart set on?
v. 36 – He served the purpose of God in his own generation.
II Samuel 12:8 – God is sovereign. None can stay God’s hand (Isaiah 45, Psalm 103)
v. 9 – “So why have you despised My word?”
v. 13 – David acknowledges his sin.
I John 5 – If you have really gone “too far”, God will take you home. Until then you have the opportunity to appropriate the power of His grace. God is a God of grace. David understood this. But David also knew he must go through punishment and chastening, and he went the distance with God anyway because God had his heart.
If you have a heart for God, then you have a heart like God’s. If He hates sin, you will too.
The deeper you delve into the Scriptures, the less angry you will become with God because you will understand that He is sovereign and He is God.
Faith is not faith until it is tested.
Psalm 51 – “hessed” = loving kindness
God still has a purpose for you as long as you have breath.

Galatians 1:23 – If God can use you, He can use me!
It is only after you acknowledge your sin that God can heal you. He can still use you in a mighty way, you can still go deeper, but you must
acknowledge your sin, repent and claim the power of His grace.
II Samuel 24 – David sins again. Repents. God caused it all to work for good, used the threshing floor as the temple mount where every nation will someday gather.
Hebrews 12:11-13 – Take your discipline and be healed. He wants to use you, but you must take the discipline.
I Chronicles 28:1-6, 8-9, 11-12, 17, 19, 22 – Great gladness
There is recovery if you will appropriate God’s grace and go ever “deeper still”.