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Category: adventuring

things I’ve done since I’ve been married

things I’ve done since I’ve been married

  • been called “ma’am – and it was by an adult, too!
  • done 12 loads of laundry
  • met the demo ladies and John’s regional supervisors at Sam’s Club
  • learned to sleep through the night while sharing a bed – it took a week and a half, though.
  • made cookies and bread without a mixer
  • decided I need to get a mixer
  • met the mail lady – her name is Beth
  • watched the director’s commentary on most of my movies – I leave it playing in the background while I do other things (such as laundry) just for the white noise
  • decided that I REALLY do not like the sound of ambulance sirens
  • began looking for a house in a quiet neighborhood
  • unpacked my sewing machine
  • bought thread for the sewing machine
  • found out that the Michael’s in this neighborhood has a pathetic thread selection – Walmart has a better one, but it’s still rather lame
  • used 3 quarts of Coffee Mate creamer
  • bought furniture at Ikea
  • decided we need to find a house near Ikea
  • begun to like Ohio
  • begun to feel at home in Cincinnati
  • watched the River in the rain
  • cut John’s hair
  • blogged in my underwear

*pictures intentionally not provided

an afternoon with my sister

an afternoon with my sister

We did errands, and found the perfect sweaters for the flowers girls!

I bought the sheet music for a song for the wedding: Great Is Thy Faithfulness. The version John and I chose is by Fernando Ortega. He completely rewrote the music, but kept all the lyrics the same. It is so lovely!

Then we got our makeup done

and did some preliminary price checking on paper goods for the wedding.

There were several other errands in the midst of all that, so we had a long, yet wonderful day together.

Jacobsen tradition

Jacobsen tradition

We go to the desert. Every January. Just after New Year. To ride, ride, ride. We drive 11 hours to the Algadones Dunes just north of the Cal-Mex border (quite the car ride). Then we stay and ride for a week or two.
This year, I drove down with Mom and Anna on Saturday, drove back up with Daniel and Anna on Sunday.
I might go back down with them on Friday. We’ll see.
It is a looong ride down. But it just might be worth it.

the Jacobsens – 2008/01/06

we got a CHP escort for part of the drive

Yes, it can be dangerous. So, where’s your gear?



“If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans.”
-Jose in the movie Bella

Anna, Mom, some friends and I went to go see Bella on Monday night. It’s a good movie, a very good movie. It is a movie about despair about hope, about joy, love, about life. It is about grace. It is a movie that you should definitely consider seeing.

What plans have you made? Has God laughed?

“ say, ‘Today or tomorrow, we shall go to such and such a city, … yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. … You ought to say, ‘If the Lord wills, we shall live and also do this or that.'”
-James 4:13-15

What plans have I made? Have I considered that the result of “my” plans is ultimately in the Lord’s hands? The movie gave me things to ponder, to think about. For example, the idea that a tragedy doesn’t have to end as a tragedy, but can become a source of beauty. It can become bella.

Little things

Little things

This afternoon I was in the car, coming home from a long day of classes. We took a back road instead of the main one, and it was a bit quieter, a little more peaceful, and definitely more beautiful.
We were heading towards the sun that was just starting to think of setting, and the light was filtering through the trees. Annadale (the road we took) has some stone-fruit orchards along it, as well a few cow pastures well dotted with oak trees. As the sunlight struck the orchards at a twenty degree angle they turned gold, but only as we were looking through them. If we turned to look back, the orchard had resumed its normal dusky late fall appearance.

The semester is drawing to a close, and my biology professor has only one major subject to cover before we prepare for the final: how we got here. We have covered the entire body, tip to toe, from before conception to after death, and all the wonder of it. Now we get to try to understand how such a marvel could evolve. Somehow, I just can’t wrap my mind around it.

a day spent shopping

a day spent shopping

street shot, originally uploaded by Lizi Beth.

Shopping, in the lovely autumn weather. Oh, there are few things as lovely!!!! Except, maybe, shopping in the springtime, or the crisp winter………… :)

Oh, fall is glorious!

Mom and I went looking for fabric for the wedding. We found a little tiny shop in Los Altos called Thai Silks that had amazing prices, and ……….. we found some really gorgeous material.
Now, to start sewing.

*for all interested in progress regarding the wedding plans: Mom and I also bought the flower girl dresses.

p.s. Some pictures to get started:

Wedding Preparations
A Bit Of Time Together (away from home)

A Bit Of Time Together (away from home)

Lake Tahoe Vacation

Daniel, Anna, Leitha (a friend), and I went up to Lake Tahoe on Friday. We met the rest of the family at a friend’s cabin, and spent two very wonderful days with them. It was a short break from the normal routine of work, school, ministry, work, school, ………………
I only wish it had been longer!

Status Update

Status Update

Well, I am going. Leaving for Sacramento for a conference, then La Porte for camp.
I am not sure how often I will be able to post – if at all – so, if nothing is here when you log on ………. don’t worry! :-)