baby fix
because I’m sure you all needed a good baby fix today :)
you’re welcome <3
Gah! This precious one keeps getting sweeter! Just when I think she’s reached the limit for the sweetness allowed in a single baby, she gets sweeter. And cuter.
I apologize for the quietness around here the past few days. There are so many things that I’ve been wanting to share with you {I have How-Tuesday posts coming out my ears!}! Somehow when I signed up for the Hobnob Market I completely forgot that May and June are wedding season. And that Ian’s birthday is coming, too. And well, life keeps moving, the hours of the day tick by and sometimes I choose to spend my free moments cuddling this darling and reading “Go Dog, Go” over and over. And I know you understand. :)
I’ll be back soon. ‘Till then, how’s the beginning of your summer? I’d love to hear!