we have a winner! {and some blog housekeeping}
well, it’s that time – the giveaway has ended {did you have a chance to enter?} and we have a winner! Rachel W., be looking in your inbox for an email from me!
{this photo is just a lovely bit from our yard the other day and really has nothing to do with the post – but I couldn’t leave you without a bit of eye candy!}
In other news, I’m sure you’ve heard by now that Google Reader has come to an end. Have you found a new favorite way to get updates from your favorite blogs? My favorite is to just get them emailed straight to my inbox {if that’s your favorite also, you can request these posts to wing their way to you, too!} but for the blogs that don’t have an email option, I’ve been using Bloglovin’. {have you chosen something different, such as Feedly? what do you think? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!}
If you’d like to give Bloglovin’ a shot, here’s a handy dandy sign-up button:
or you can just go old-school {but it’s a blog – how old-school can it be? I digress …} and come over via a bookmark on your internet browser or just look us up! If you have any questions or if trouble with the links, feel free to email me and I’ll do my best to help you get it straightened out :)