things to think about
Last night my husband handed me the Small Business section of the Wall Street Journal with the comment, “here honey, you should read this – there are some great little stories about making a small business work.” Right now my reading time is a bit limited, what with three small kiddos, a business and the rest of life, but I’m so glad he told me to take the time to read! {by the way, reading is one of the things that rests me – I know that’s not the case for everyone :)} I’m only on the second page so far, but already have found some things to mull over and think about. Here’s a quick snippet that I thought you’d enjoy:
“Perhaps the greatest factor that determines whether or not an entrepreneur will be successful isn’t the business idea itself, but rather the entrepreneur’s willingness to try (and keep trying) to turn the idea into reality. Great ideas are abundant, but it’s what we decide to do with them that counts.”
– Samer Kurdi, Chairman of the global board Entrepreneurs’ Organization
So true! Not just in small business, but all of life. I hope you’re having a lovely Tuesday!