I’m baaaaack!
Olivia is always a joy …
…and LOVES to “help” with all things related to the shop ….
…especially when it means she can ham it up for the camera. :)
Our new Autumn Leaves Garland (inspired by a special request from one of you lovelies!)
How do you jump back into a game when you’ve been absent for so long? The good news is, this corner of the web has been quiet because life has been very, very good. So good, so full, that all my “little grey cells” are getting used up every day, all my energy poured out, and there really hasn’t been anything left to share with you here (because, really, you lovelies deserve so much more than the dregs of me!).
Anyhow, life keeps moving (meaning, there is much to catch you up on!) and changing, and it’s beginning to look like one of those changes might be me returning to this little space a little more often! I’ve missed you all so.