Friday again?
How can it be Friday again already?
And Easter is almost here! Having it early this year means that’s it’s kind of catching me off guard {making the girls matching Easter dresses? um, might not happen …}. Are you finding the same thing true for you?
Speaking of catching me off guard, I just realized that I haven’t done a very good job of moving most of my Easter items over from my Etsy shop to this site – whoops! So if you’re looking for the super cute things that I’ve been making {and trust me, there are some REALLY cute new things in my shop!} you’ll need to look there this year. Oh well ….
Anyway, here’s some of the cuteness:
Easter Bunny Bags {I’m in LOVE with this paper!}
Easter Bunny Mini Cake Bunting
and those are only a few! I’m hoping to get them all posted here for you, too, but we’ll see how that goes. :) I’ll let you know!
For those of you who follow me on Instagram, you saw that I mentioned shipping deadlines for Easter delivery: the deadline for guaranteed delivery with standard shipping is Monday, March 25 and Priority shipping is Wednesday, March 28. If you need rush shipping, let me know and I’d be happy to help!
Hope you all have a lovely, lovely weekend {we are expecting snow …} and I’ll be back soon :)