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Tag: family fun



You know how Boston has gotten a hundred feet of snow this year {or at least, it seems like it}? Central Indiana has only gotten about a inch at a time {which is not enough to play in if you’re a preschooler who has their heart set on making snow angels and snowmen}, and even that was pretty icy and not very fun to play in.snow time!

But last weekend we got SNOW. I know many of you are already going without jackets and sweaters {it is March 5th, after all}, but last night we got another round of ice and snow, and I’ve decided to try to really enjoy these last few weeks of winter { and yes, I know spring is almost here – our tulips keep trying to poke through the snow and St. Patrick’s Day is just around the corner :)}.DSC_0149 DSC_0150 DSC_0152 DSC_0153 DSC_0154 DSC_0155 DSC_0156



hello again, Loves!

hello again, Loves!

Well, hello again :)

It has been  …far too long. And I apologize for the site being down for FOUR months {Gah!!! Too long!!!}! There is so much that I missed sharing with you, so much that has happened in our lives.

How has your summer been? {and spring also, since I was gone for that, too!}

backyard funWe have been so incredibly busy with the shop, and God has been leading our little family with it {more on that later}.

backyard funSummer has been cool here, and the kids have been growing like weeds. Olivia is talking, and talking about everything {so, so incredibly sweet}.

backyard fun


I can’t wait to catch up with you lovelies in the days and weeks to come, and share some of the projects we’ve been working on! In the meantime, I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to {vacations? new babies? home projects?}.

