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customer love – nursery edition

customer love – nursery edition

Each time a customer leaves a comment saying how much they love their purchase, it makes my day. I especially love it when they tell their friends and send me photos of how they have used the things that they have bought!

A few weeks ago a mama in Australia ordered our Red, White and Brown Stars Garland to accent the room she was preparing for her baby boy, and she was kind enough to share a photo of how the room is coming together:

a darling, starry nursery for a baby boyIsn’t it too sweet?! I love how the red stars tie in with the hearts and the cars, and the brown is the same shade as the cars in the wall hanging! She’s definitely pouring love into this room for her wee man, and it shows :)

Do you have photos that you’d like to share? If so, you can either email them to me at or tag them with #thepathlesstraveledmarket on Instagram – we’d all love to see your ideas!

{by the way, did I mention that I often send “thank you” coupons to the lovelies who let me share their photos with you? Yep, I do :)}

Happy Friday! Are you thinking about placing an order this weekend? Don’t forget to use the FREE shipping coupon code of JULY4TH when you do! It’s good on any order of $5 or more and


sweet baby

sweet baby

Because some days, I just need a reminder to soak in this sweet baby.

sweet baby girl: the Path Less TraveledBecause really, no matter how many things should be done today, being her mother and loving on her is one the few that absolutely need to be done.

And one of the few things I will never, ever regret taking the time to cherish.

What bit of your life do you need to slow down and cherish today? May you take a moment this evening to soak in those that are dear to you, to worship the One Who gave them, and to rest. {and I need to hear this just as much as you, if not more!}



p.s. remember the enter the giveaway!

how Tuesday: DIY Balloon Garland Tutorial!

how Tuesday: DIY Balloon Garland Tutorial!

as promised, today for how Tuesday I have a tutorial for the DIY Balloon Garland!

how Tuesday: DIY Balloon Garland Tutorial from the Path Less TraveledIt makes a big impact for an incredibly small investment, and can be customized in an almost endless array of colors! Want a rainbow? No problem. Monochromatic more your style? Again, no problem. Seriously, you can use this for any of life’s celebrations from baby showers, birthdays, graduations (school colors!}, bridal showers, casual receptions, housewarmings … even retirement parties!

how Tuesday: DIY Balloon Garland Tutorial from the Path Less Traveled materials: balloons in your preferred color{s}, a needle with a large eye {hole for the twine}, twine {or narrow ribbon}, scissors, and thumbtacks {if you’re planning on hanging it outside, you might prefer to tie the garland up and not need the tacks}how Tuesday: DIY Balloon Garland Tutorial from the Path Less Traveled step 1: measure the length you’d like your garland to be and choose your pattern – I decided to use red, white and two shades of blue for Ian’s party – {You might like a monochrome look, a random look, or some other variation!} and inflate your balloons. Having an assistant for this step can be very helpful!how Tuesday: DIY Balloon Garland Tutorial from the Path Less Traveled step 2: thread your needle with the twine – I chose to use twine for this due to it’s strength {thread just wasn’t going to be strong enough!}, but you could also choose to use a narrow ribbon or some other narrow type of Tuesday: DIY Balloon Garland Tutorial from the Path Less Traveled step 3: begin sewing the garland – poke the needle through the “tag” of the balloon, not too close to the end or it might rip out, just somewhere in the middle …how Tuesday: DIY Balloon Garland Tutorial from the Path Less Traveled…pull the needle and cording through, and continue with the rest of your balloons.

how Tuesday: DIY Balloon Garland Tutorial from the Path Less Traveledstep 4: tie a loop in the end of your cord to prepare for hanging. If you’re hanging the balloon garland outside, you might choose to skip the loop and leave a long tail {to use for tying} Tuesday: DIY Balloon Garland Tutorial from the Path Less Traveled step 5: put a tack through afore mentioned loop and stick ‘er up there!how Tuesday: DIY Balloon Garland Tutorial from the Path Less Traveled

how Tuesday: DIY Balloon Garland Tutorial from the Path Less Traveled step 6: string out the garland across your desired distance and repeat step 5 …

how Tuesday: DIY Balloon Garland Tutorial from the Path Less Traveled…while taking a moment to admire how pretty it looks hanging across your room. :)

how Tuesday: DIY Balloon Garland Tutorial from the Path Less Traveled how Tuesday: DIY Balloon Garland Tutorial from the Path Less Traveled

And that’s it! You can make several strands and hang them together, leave it to stand alone or, as you can see from the first photo, combine it with crepe streamers! Each option looks great – with a project like this, it’s hard to go wrong :)

If you haven’t taken a moment to enter the giveaway, you might want to click over and do that – it’s super easy to enter, and you might win a set of the newest red, white and blue star garland and matching cupcake toppers!



sharing this on Skip To My Lou Sew Can Do and C.R.A.F.T.

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little bits from the week

little bits from the week

the photos that I capture on Instagram are just little bits and pieces of our life, and it’s really interesting to see what moments I capture {and which ones I don’t} – of course, it seems as if {since I instagram from our iPad} I only capture the things that stand still.

Which of course explains why Emma Grace, Ian and John don’t show up very often, but flowers, projects and Olivia do. Of course :)

If you’d like to follow along, I’m @pltmarket on Instagram <3

It’s been a few weeks since my last post like this, so let’s play catch up, shall we?

IMG_2450 my sister-in-law is redoing her master bedroom in neutrals, gray and light pink – and asked for a custom garland to grace it. I love what I came up with!IMG_2457 have you tried {re}growing green onions yet?IMG_2461 silly baby girl! this is her “I’m such a funny girl – I can grin with my eyes shut!” face … and it melts me.

Of course, she also does this face when she is really tired and crying …. IMG_2462 she’s a roller now! Olivia has been {purposefully} rolling her way across the room to get to the curtains and then plays peek-a-boo with herself in them :)IMG_2464 new cake garlands coming soon! “mr. & mrs.”, “hooray”, “congrats!” and “we do” will all be showing up … soon. I promise <3IMG_2466

Ian got to touch his first snake on Memorial Day {see? we’re really playing catch up!} and was absolutely fascinatedIMG_2475 Ian loves his toy horses. Almost as much as he loves his cars and guns :) He has a daddy horse and a little boy horse, and they seem to go on LOTS of adventures – I find them in some of the most random places!IMG_2485 being darling, of course <3IMG_2488 a custom cake garland – this time for a little guy’s Thomas the Tank Engine birthdayIMG_2490 prepping inventory for the Hobnob MarketIMG_2497 my rose bush has been blooming! I’s still on the small side, so I’ve been hesitant to cut any long stems, but I’m loving snipping a small bloom every now and then!IMG_2495 I’ve been adding some new Red, White and Blue items to the shop – have you checked them out yet? IMG_2499 She loves sleeping on her tummy – and sticking her feet through her crib bars.IMG_2502 Rollin’, rollin’! She rolled her way over to the box and snatched the tape off of it – apparently it was a pretty fun chew toy until I snagged it away from her! IMG_2507 Last night I made up the Brown Eyed Baker’s Chocolate Bundt Cake. Yum. Next time I need a chocolate fix, I seriously need to choose a healthier recipe {although, this one DID have 5 eggs in it – can that count as breakfast? (if you don’t know what I’m referring to, you NEED to watch this video of Bill Cosby)}IMG_0002 another custom order! this time a banner of light blue hearts and cream circles stamped with “Bride to Be” – LOVE it! and might even make more for the shop {what do you think, maybe in custom colors?}IMG_0003 making up a newborn size lace onesie


and last, but not least, a super fun surprise – Pretty Prudent {aka Prudent Baby} featured our Subway Cupcake Toppers on their blog!!! To say I was excited to find out would be an understatement.

So there you have it – 3 weeks worth of pics in one fell swoop. Are you still with me? ;)

On to other things – I’m planning another giveaway {yay!} and would love your input. What would you like to win from my shop?

I hope you’re having a lovely weekend, enjoying the beginning of Summer {or Winter if you’re one of my lovelies in Australia} and soak in some time relaxing and being refreshed in your soul.


life rearranged

p.s. the giveaway is live! check it out and enter to win your very own set of 4th of July themed decor from the shop!

baby fix

baby fix

because I’m sure you all needed a good baby fix today :) you’re welcome <3

Gah! This precious one keeps getting sweeter! Just when I think she’s reached the limit for the sweetness allowed in a single baby, she gets sweeter. And cuter.

I apologize for the quietness around here the past few days. There are so many things that I’ve been wanting to share with you {I have How-Tuesday posts coming out my ears!}! Somehow when I signed up for the Hobnob Market I completely forgot that May and June are wedding season. And that Ian’s birthday is coming, too. And well, life keeps moving, the hours of the day tick by and sometimes I choose to spend my free moments cuddling this darling and reading “Go Dog, Go” over and over. And I know you understand. :)

I’ll be back soon. ‘Till then, how’s the beginning of your summer? I’d love to hear!


Instagram bits

Instagram bits

the photos that I capture on Instagram are just little bits and pieces of our life, and it’s really interesting to see what moments I capture {and which ones I don’t} – of course, it seems as if {since I instagram from our iPad} I only capture the things that stand still. Which of course explains why Emma Grace, Ian and John don’t show up very often, but flowers, projects and Olivia do. :)

This week’s post is kind of a catch-up – so you get two weeks rolled into one. Enjoy!Mother's Day RosesMy Mother’s Day rose bush is looking so lovely <3 I’m a rose lover! Especially the soft colors – pink, white, even gray and soft purple – and the full, blowsy cottage types. :)
IMG_2416 I asked – and you answered! This storage dresser in the sewing room might be getting a do-over, and many of you chimed in with your color suggestions. Thank you!IMG_2421 A sweet color combo on the It’s A Girl! cupcake toppers – I normally stamp the girl version with pink ink onto either vintage or white paper, and this customer asked to add some pink on pink – they turned out super darling!IMG_2426 our darling baby being her sweet little self <3IMG_2431 It’s graduation season! These purple stars are the size I normally carry in the shop, and the large gold ones are coming soon!IMG_2433 a custom bouquet of “Congrats Grad!” and “Class of 2013” dessert toppersIMG_2441

John had a week of vacation, and we spent most of it at home {or with my in-laws}. We did get away for an overnight, though! Brown County is Indiana’s largest state park, and quite lovely {and quite!} this time of year. We took the kiddos to Story Inn for the night, and then for a bit of an explore in the park itself the next day. They loved being on an “adventure” so much.IMG_2443 A sweet color combo! These purple and pink butterfly toppers are on their way to a baby girl’s first birthday party :)IMG_2445 And my baby girl just keeps getting bigger! She’s a roller now, and loves to roll her way across the room. She started out on the blanket in the lower right, and made it all the  way to my stash of baker’s twine on the other side of the sewing room. :)IMG_2446

How about you – you Instagram? What do you find shows up as a recurring theme in your photos?

Also, don’t forget to use the shop’s free shipping coupon if you’re planning on stocking up on any summer party goods! It expires tomorrow night, so don’t dilly dally too long :)




Chair Garland Decor Ideas {a continuing series}

Chair Garland Decor Ideas {a continuing series}

Have you heard? The chair garlands in the shop aren’t just for decorating chairs!
When it comes to using these petite garlands, there are so many options that chairs are only the the start! This is the beginning of a continuing series where I’ll share some of my ideas with you {and, if you’d like to share some of yours, I’ll post them as well!}

Use a chair garland to decorate a frame – this has been such a fun way to add some quick, seasonally appropriate, decor to my photo wall!

For Valentine’s Day I had the Red and White Heart Garland here, and as the spring holidays approached I switched it to this sweet Doily Garland. I find that they add a perfect touch of softness and unexpected color and am in love with this idea <3



Instagram bits

Instagram bits

the photos that I capture on Instagram are just little bits and pieces of our life, and it’s really interesting to see what moments I capture {and which ones I don’t} – of course, it seems as if {since I instagram from our iPad} I only capture the things that stand still. Which of course explains why Emma Grace, Ian and John don’t show up very often, but flowers, projects and Olivia do. :) I’ve really been loving having fresh anemones, and on Tuesday I shared a photo of them along with a quote from the Wall Street Journal here on the blog – I’ve still been pondering that quote, thinking about the “willingness to try” in all sorts of areas of my life, not just our business. Sometimes it seems as if the determination to continue on, even when it’s rough, thankless and others would toss in the towel, is one of the hallmarks of the path less traveled, doesn’t it?My bright and early companion, ready for her oatmeal breakfast! Sometimes she wakes up soooo early! And hungry! But who can be grumpy at the sweet little voice saying, “Mama, Mama? I’m hungry – you wanna get me breakfast? And make coffee?” {she knows me well}
IMG_2375 May Day “baskets” for the kiddlets Bible study teachers!IMG_2379 I tried out a Pinterest recipe for Rosemary Olive Oil Bread – it was pretty yummy! IMG_2383 Olivia rolled over for the first time! We were on the sewing room floor together – Olivia playing and me packaging orders – and all of a sudden her half-roll {that she’s been doing for the last 2 months!} turned into a complete roll-over!IMG_2384 She was so happy :) And I was happy that, even though I didn’t have my camera in the room, I had the iPad next to me and was able to snap a few photos to capture her reaction! And then she tipped herself all the way over for a 360* roll :) Funny baby girl!IMG_2391 More on this coming soon! Let’s just say I’m excited :)

I’m having a giveaway! The details are all {here}IMG_2400 All that brings us to today, which was a rainy one. Emma Grace took a rest from all the indoor bike riding under the piano – with her scooter next to her, of course. 

And did Ian need a break from riding? No way! He just kept riding, and riding, and riding … until he had to go catch some bad guys upstairs {note the gun in his hand} :)life rearranged

little pieces

little pieces

the photos that I capture on Instagram are just little pieces of our life, and it’s really interesting to see what moments I capture {and which ones I don’t} – of course, it seems as if {since I instagram from our iPad} I only capture the things that stand still. Which of course explains why Emma Grace, Ian and John don’t show up very often, but flowers, projects and Olivia do. :)

here are some of the little pieces of this last week:

blooms in our yard – they make me soooo happy! clockwise: anemones, our new peach tree, returning tulips and sprouting veggies. If only I could keep these lovelies all year long <3IMG_2295 packing up a bunch of Atlas Heart Cupcake Toppers – they are always so lovely!IMG_2298John turned on the radio when he arrived home Monday afternoon and my heart broke – it seems as if there has been a fresh tragedy every day to add to our prayers. It makes my heart long for heaven more, but also yearn to love my darlings that much harder. “for God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a strong mind”
frametastic-1 we introduced Dessert Garlands to the site!IMG_2304 Olivia came down with a fever on Tuesday/Wednesday and then shared it with me – we are just now catching up with everything that went undone while we did extra cuddling <3IMG_2312the sewing corner – so many, many miles of garland get sewn here, so many projects for loved ones and tiny clothes made {and mended}
IMG_2313 feeling better – yay!!!I came back to my project after getting the kiddos a snack one morning to find this: a Nerf gun, dart and little boy tools mingled with the white wedding hearts ;D4bc8af3ea9d911e284fa22000a1f9c87_7 so much love! a bundle of 75 red, pink and white heart dessert toppers, each stamped with “LOVE”IMG_2328 on Saturday I was all caught up with orders {yippee!} and took the rest of the day to catch up on cleaning – and baking. Apparently, making things with sugar rests me :) then, once the littles were in bed for the night, John and I stayed up with a movie, cheesecake AND cookies and a game of Scrabble :)IMG_2329

and last, but not least, the GIVEAWAY! if you haven’t entered yet to win one of our new Gold Glitter Scallop Dessert Garlands, you might want to head over and enter :)

see you soon! <3


life rearranged

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