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Tag: 4th of july

customer love – American theme party!

customer love – American theme party!

Sometimes your custom order requests are just the little extra “push” we need to create a new product, and sometimes we end up loving the new thing so much that we carry it full time in our shop.

This a story of one of those things. :) We started offering our Hanging Paper Stars {see them here} about 3 years ago, and found that many of you really enjoy using them for your events and in your homes! However, because they are large and a bit fragile, they have been a total bear to ship, and the shipping fees can be a bit high. So, John and I have talked on and off about creating a DIY Kit version of the stars with the idea that you would be able to purchase all of the materials needed, all of them pre-folded so that you would only need to assemble them {meaning, very little skill required!}. But life was busy, the shop was growing quickly, and it was something that kept getting set aside for “when things slow down”. Until – someone in Australia emailed to ask about possibly getting 12-20 of the white stars!

American themed party decor | the Path Less TraveledShe was in charge of her corporate Christmas party, and they wanted to have an American theme to it – and have a bunch of our stars hanging from the ceiling! We knew that shipping that many of the stars to Australia {a location where shipping fees from the US were already high} would cost an enormous amount, and realized that this was the push we needed to finally get the kits made.

American themed party star garlands and decor | the Path Less TraveledThe gal sent us these photos to share after the event, and it looks like it was a terrific party! She also used our Red, White and Blue Stars Garlands in custom 60 foot lengths to string across the space, bunches of our Red, White and Blue Star Dessert Toppers in little glass vases as centerpieces on the tables and our Star Cupcake Picks in Patriotic Colors to top the desserts – it all came together so well!
Servers in costume at a Vintage America theme party | the Path Less TraveledSo there you have it! An idea that was stuck in the concept phase for far too long was brought to life {and now is a top seller! you can find them here} by a customer’s special request. You guys really are what keep our little shop going, in so many ways!

Do you have photos that you’d like to share? If so, you can either email them to me at or tag them with #thepathlesstraveledmarket on Instagram – we’d all love to see your ideas! Also, I often send “thank you” coupons to the lovelies who let me share their photos with you – so if you’re looking for a coupon for your next order, sharing photos is a great way to get a discount!



Items featured:

Large Folded Hanging Paper Stars

DIY Hanging Origami Star Kits

Red, White and Blue Stars Garlands

Red, White and Blue Large Stars Garlands

Red, White and Blue Star Dessert Toppers

Star Cupcake Picks in Patriotic Colors

our 4th

our 4th

Our 4th of July celebration was a bit low key this year, but we sure did celebrate!

4th of July fun

Olivia in the wading pool4th of July spreaddeviled eggs with patriotic starsa Jello flag yummy food and happy kids all tuckered out from celebratingsparklers darling girl darling girl darling girl the two of usDSC_0072 DSC_0075 DSC_0102 DSC_0119 DSC_0109

John had to work for most of the day, so the kiddlets and I enjoyed a quite day at home – PB&J for lunch and some wading pool fun! Olivia played in the pool for the first time ever and really enjoyed herself :)

After late naps {to ensure cheerfulness for a late night of fireworks!}, the kids and I met John at his parents’ home where we spent the rest of the evening. We had some delicious BBQ and a full spread of summer foods – even star topped deviled eggs! Olivia was worn out by all the fun and put herself down for a pre-fireworks nap :)

Ian got to experience his first sparkler {he LOVED it!} and Emma Grace kept asking when it would be dark, and at one point even asked if I could “set the timer for it to be fireworks” – darling girl! It’s so hard to wait when you’re 4 {or 27 :)}.

The fireworks were well worth the wait – in Indiana you are allowed to shoot off some really fun ones! Emma Grace and Ian were excited to wear some ear protection {Em: “mine are pink!”} and we sat around a bon fire as my brother-in-laws masterminded the show.

All in all, it was a quiet, relaxing day. I thought a bit about freedom – how it is so easy to allow it to be eroded until the the very word is only a hollow husk, and how both as a nation, as individuals we must be vigilant. And how I am extremely grateful for those who have sacrificed for my freedom, for the One who died for me to be forever free.

How about you? Did you have a chance to celebrate this weekend?

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little Instagram bits

little Instagram bits

the photos that I capture on Instagram are just little bits and pieces of our life, and it’s really interesting to see what moments I capture {and which ones I don’t} – of course, it seems as if {since I instagram from our iPad} I only capture the things that stand still.

Which of course explains why Emma Grace, Ian and John don’t show up very often, but flowers, projects and Olivia do. Of course :)

If you’d like to follow along, I’m @pltmarket on Instagram <3

birthday dinnerI had a birthday a few weeks ago and my husband treated me to a night out – at a local dinner theater! It was such a fun way to celebrate, completely different from our normal routine and definitely made it a birthday to remember :)

kitchen window lovelies flowers on our kitchen windowsill. Some were left over from our booth at the Hobnob Market, some were from my little cuties for my birthday and some from our yard. Love looking at their beauty as I do the dishes!packing labels I posted this pic and asked if any of you could guess what it was of – and Elizabeth was right! I had opened a fresh box of manilla labels and loved how neat and tidy they wereIMG_0012 Our little guy turned three! And I’m just beginning to post the details of the party :)sweet baby!sweet baby girl. She gets sweeter each and every day – hard to imagine that she’ll be even sweeter and more dear as time goes on!

dance!Instagram has video now! And I posted this one of Emma Grace dancing at breakfast :)a boy and a pool ... Finally warm enough to swim! And Ian discovered that our new {to us} pool has a bungehole {drain hole} which means that I have a VERY eager helper when it comes to draining it :)happy girl! Happy girl bright and early – oh, so early on this morning!mmm, lunch ...Sometimes I forget to eat lunch with the kids, and end up with “meals” like this in the mid afternoon – brownie with peanut butter and coffee.
zinnia love
Our flowers have begun to bloom, and I brought a zinnia in to keep me company as I waded through a day’s worth of emails :)

lovin' his baby Ian loves his baby sister sooooo much!baking soda and vinegar another IG video – this time of a rainy day project I’ve posted here before.

Winnie the Pooh + swim goggles

they were so patient as I got things ready to go over to my in-laws’ for the 4th :) Watching Winnie the Pooh {while wearing swim goggles, of course} helped pass the time :)

I hope you have a truly lovely and relaxing weekend!

life rearranged

time for a giveaway!

time for a giveaway!

Yippee – it’s time for a giveaway! This time I have a sweet set of 4th of July themed goodies for one of you darling readers!

This awesome prize packet includes one of my newest garlands – the Large Red, White and Blue Star Garland! – and a dozen of our classic {for good reason – they’re so darling!} Red, White and Blue Star Cupcake Toppers. Wouldn’t these be the perfect ouch for your 4th {and pretty much any Summer party}?

Extra Large Red, White and Blue Star Garland from the Path Less Traveled

To enter, use the Rafflecopter widget in this post {email subscribers will need to click over to the blog} and follow the prompts.

giveawayPretty simple! I’ll announce the winner on Monday, July 1, 2013 and mail the prize as soon as they confirm their address.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

note – this giveaway is open to readers in the United States only

little bits from the week

little bits from the week

the photos that I capture on Instagram are just little bits and pieces of our life, and it’s really interesting to see what moments I capture {and which ones I don’t} – of course, it seems as if {since I instagram from our iPad} I only capture the things that stand still.

Which of course explains why Emma Grace, Ian and John don’t show up very often, but flowers, projects and Olivia do. Of course :)

If you’d like to follow along, I’m @pltmarket on Instagram <3

It’s been a few weeks since my last post like this, so let’s play catch up, shall we?

IMG_2450 my sister-in-law is redoing her master bedroom in neutrals, gray and light pink – and asked for a custom garland to grace it. I love what I came up with!IMG_2457 have you tried {re}growing green onions yet?IMG_2461 silly baby girl! this is her “I’m such a funny girl – I can grin with my eyes shut!” face … and it melts me.

Of course, she also does this face when she is really tired and crying …. IMG_2462 she’s a roller now! Olivia has been {purposefully} rolling her way across the room to get to the curtains and then plays peek-a-boo with herself in them :)IMG_2464 new cake garlands coming soon! “mr. & mrs.”, “hooray”, “congrats!” and “we do” will all be showing up … soon. I promise <3IMG_2466

Ian got to touch his first snake on Memorial Day {see? we’re really playing catch up!} and was absolutely fascinatedIMG_2475 Ian loves his toy horses. Almost as much as he loves his cars and guns :) He has a daddy horse and a little boy horse, and they seem to go on LOTS of adventures – I find them in some of the most random places!IMG_2485 being darling, of course <3IMG_2488 a custom cake garland – this time for a little guy’s Thomas the Tank Engine birthdayIMG_2490 prepping inventory for the Hobnob MarketIMG_2497 my rose bush has been blooming! I’s still on the small side, so I’ve been hesitant to cut any long stems, but I’m loving snipping a small bloom every now and then!IMG_2495 I’ve been adding some new Red, White and Blue items to the shop – have you checked them out yet? IMG_2499 She loves sleeping on her tummy – and sticking her feet through her crib bars.IMG_2502 Rollin’, rollin’! She rolled her way over to the box and snatched the tape off of it – apparently it was a pretty fun chew toy until I snagged it away from her! IMG_2507 Last night I made up the Brown Eyed Baker’s Chocolate Bundt Cake. Yum. Next time I need a chocolate fix, I seriously need to choose a healthier recipe {although, this one DID have 5 eggs in it – can that count as breakfast? (if you don’t know what I’m referring to, you NEED to watch this video of Bill Cosby)}IMG_0002 another custom order! this time a banner of light blue hearts and cream circles stamped with “Bride to Be” – LOVE it! and might even make more for the shop {what do you think, maybe in custom colors?}IMG_0003 making up a newborn size lace onesie


and last, but not least, a super fun surprise – Pretty Prudent {aka Prudent Baby} featured our Subway Cupcake Toppers on their blog!!! To say I was excited to find out would be an understatement.

So there you have it – 3 weeks worth of pics in one fell swoop. Are you still with me? ;)

On to other things – I’m planning another giveaway {yay!} and would love your input. What would you like to win from my shop?

I hope you’re having a lovely weekend, enjoying the beginning of Summer {or Winter if you’re one of my lovelies in Australia} and soak in some time relaxing and being refreshed in your soul.


life rearranged

p.s. the giveaway is live! check it out and enter to win your very own set of 4th of July themed decor from the shop!

Chair Garland Decor Ideas {a continuing series}

Chair Garland Decor Ideas {a continuing series}

Have you heard? The chair garlands in the shop aren’t just for decorating chairs!
When it comes to using these petite garlands, there are so many options that chairs are only the the start! This is a continuing series {see more posts here} where I’ll share some of my ideas with you {and, if you’d like to share some of yours, I’ll post them as well!}

DSC_0076 For the Summer holidays – Memorial Day, Ian’s birthday, Flag Day, the 4th of July, etc. – I am decorating with lots of red, white and blue. {those balloon in the reflection? they’re left over from Ian’s party :)}

This vintage mirror lightens a corner in our dining area downstairs, and as I was decorating for our little guy’s birthday I decided to see if one of the Red, White and Blue Chair Banners would fit across it to add an additional pop of color – and look at that, it fit perfectly!


How about you? Have you tried using one of these sweet, short lengths of garland in an unexpected spot? Share your ideas in the comments!




this just in … a new garland! {and psst, there’s a coupon, too!}

this just in … a new garland! {and psst, there’s a coupon, too!}

this just in … a new garland!

Extra Large Red, White and Blue Star Garland from the Path Less TraveledI’ve just added our newest garland to the shop! {you might have seen a sneak peek of it in my Instagram feed or this post}

Extra Large Red, White and Blue Star Garland from the Path Less TraveledIsn’t it lovely? Each of the stars is almost three times larger than the stars in our smaller patriotic garland, and makes an even bigger visual impact – because sometimes you just need a big”pop” of color!

Also, because today is Flag Day here in the US, and because tomorrow is my birthday, and because I can’t actually invite all of you lovelies to my party {am I even having one? not sure yet … Honey? am i? hint, hint!} I have a coupon for you to use in the shop this weekend :)

You can use the code “happy happy” for 10% off of any order! The code expires at midnight on June 16th {which is also Father’s Day – my, this weekend is packed!}.



customer love – parties edition!

customer love – parties edition!

Each time a customer leaves a comment saying how much they love their purchase, it makes my day. I especially love it when they tell their friends and send me photos of how they have used the things that they have bought! Last month I shared some party photos, and this month I have a follow up one :)

Amber shared her little guy’s incredibly darling first birthday with us last month, and a few weeks later she sent me another photo to share – this time a close up of her marshmallow pop display!

Amber used the Red, White and Blue Star toppers to add the finishing touch to her super cute idea, as she says: “I put some florist foam in the boxes and stuck the cupcake toppers on the foam.” Great job, Amber! And thank you again for sharing! The star toppers were the perfect finish to your display :)

Do you have photos that you’d like to share? If so, you can either email them to me at or tag them with #thepathlesstraveledmarket on Instagram – we’d all love to see your ideas!

{by the way, did I mention that I often send “thank you” coupons to the lovelies who let me share their photos with you? Yep, I do :)}

Happy Friday!


customer love – parties edition!

customer love – parties edition!

Each time a customer leaves a comment saying how much they love their purchase, it makes my day. I especially love it when they tell their friends and send me photos of how they have used the things that they have bought, and recently you lovelies have sent some super darling ones!
Here are a few of the most recent photos:

the red heart cupcake toppers in a fun filled owl and heart birthday – so cute!

aren’t the owls and hearts just darling together? 

It’s so simple to add a festive and patriotic touch to your desserts with the Red, White and Blue Star set – and even more striking with a miniature flag to top them off!

The red heart toppers again, this time for a little girl’s first birthday – love! The red is really striking against the colors of aqua, teal and yellow :)

The Red Heart Garland sweetening a display of photos from the baby girl’s first year – I love this idea!

the Star cupcake toppers again, this time adding a crisp and masculine touch to a little guy’s first birthday – can you see the little number “one” on the cake? I love how creative you all are!

She even used some of the star chair garlands to drape in front of {and in!} the super darling Birthday Boy vignette. Love this!

Do you have photos that you’d like to share? If so, you can either email them to me at or tag them with #thepathlesstraveledmarket on Instagram – we’d all love to see your ideas!

Don’t forget -there are just a few hours left to save 20% using the exclusive coupon. It expires at midnight tonight! I hope you are all having a truly lovely weekend,