how-Tuesday: DIY Birthday Crowns
Today’s promised how-Tuesday: DIY Birthday Crowns! Do you remember the princess party that Emma Grace requested? Well, I realized that I had never shown you how I made her darling Birthday Crown {and, since I’m kind of on a birthday theme at the moment, now is the perfect time to change that, right?}!
Too cute, isn’t it?! Now, let’s get started:
materials: mid to heavy weight card stock in size 8 1/2″x11″ or larger {I used white for these so my kiddos could color them, but you can use any color you wish! For E.G.’s birthday I used a gold glittered paper}, ruler, pencil, scissors, hole punch, ribbon
step one: with your paper in the “portrait” position {so that it’s facing the “tall” way}, draw a line down the middle {4 1/4″ from the edge} and then cut along this line. You will now have two 4 1/4″x11″ pieces.
step two: find your middle point on one long edge of the paper {at 5 1/2″} and make a small dot. Then, measuring from this same edge, measure 2″ toward the middle and lay your ruler along this 2″ line. Make a dot on this line at the 2″, 4″, 7″ and 9″ marks.
Now it gets just a bit more fun … you get to play connect the dots! Draw lines connecting the corners on the long edge with the dots you’ve just made, forming a series of ……triangles along what is now the top edge of your crown.
Step three: cut along this line. It’s beginning to take shape!
step four: punch two holes on each end of the crown, about an inch apart.
step five: cut 2 lengths of ribbon, each about 18″ long and thread a piece through the holes of one end {like in the photo} and it to itself so that one side has a knot and the other …
…looks like this. Repeat for the opposite end. Now, at this point you can either be finished or you can pass it on to a child and allow them to decorate it to their heart’s content :)
This cutie modeled her party crown again as she colored her new, custom decorated by her tiara.
So intent on her work!
Tada! Wouldn’t it be a sweet party activity to decorate your own crown? Maybe with feathers, glitter and sequins, too? I think a little one {or several} would be just over the moon with these!
Gah, those eyes! So, there’s your promised adorable tutorial for the day :) And I’ve got another one up my sleeve! Maybe for tomorrow? Maybe …
Until then, I’d love to hear if you try this! How would you customize them for your littles? Do you have a favorite party hat tradition?
I’m sharing this at the Vintage Farmhouse <3
3 thoughts on “how-Tuesday: DIY Birthday Crowns”
I am stopping by from The Vintage Farmhouse’s link party. I make my kids a birthday crown for every birthday. They love them. I try to theme them to whatever the party is going to be and they get excited to see what they will look like. Great post.
where did you buy the glittered paper?
Great question! I found it at Joann Fabrics (the actual glitter color is called “Kings Crown”). Hope that helps!
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