goals {checking up on ’em}
Do you remember the post that I wrote back in January about the goals I set for 2013? Now that we’re in August {um, how did that happen?!}, I felt that it’s about time to check in and see how I’m doing.
So, how have I done so far?
– make date nights happen {and not just talk about making them happen} – partially successful! I had been hoping on twice a month, but hey, {almost} once a month is a lot better than what we were{n’t} doing!
– blog on a schedule – um, still working on that. Better than last year, though, so making progress
– work on improving my product photography {& while I’m at it, my child photography, too} – again, baby steps! :)
– finish strong in MOPS and Bible study – hehe, well, let’s just say I finished. As much as I loved them, it was good to see a clear calendar come Summer :)
– get someone started on “school”, someone potty trained, & someone sleeping through the night :) – potty training has happened! School will happen {we are gradually easing into it}, and sleeping through the night? Someday {I hope}.
– be a consistent discipler of our little ones – this is a daily goal. Some days are more successful than others.
– cull my fabric collection, only keeping what I’ll {realistically} use – done! But I need to do it again …
– ditto for the rest of my craft supplies – not done
– plant more perennials – partial. I put in some roses {I LOVE roses} and anemones this year, and have been enjoying the hostas, hydrangeas and other flowers and trees from last year. Still looking for the perfect evergreen shrubs for our front flower bed, though
– get back into pre-baby shape – almost! Less than 5 lbs away from pre-baby weight, and now need to tone. Toning {meaning sweating!} can be so hard sometimes! But I love the result, so work at it I will
– listen to {& heed} the Spirit’s direction for the shop, including launching our own website {!} – another daily goal. Some days I know I’m right on track, and other days I know I’m not.
– seek God’s {& heed} direction for our family – another daily one
– continue to learn to put God first in my time, my day, our finances, and in every way
It’s good to check back in on our goals every now and then – as they say, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. As I looked back on my progress, I was both encouraged and discouraged at the same time. But you know what? It’s okay. I’m not perfect {oh, what an understatement!}, and God is greater than my failures.
Most of these goals are pretty superficial {purging my craft supplies? yep, kinda superficial! But then again, having a tidy studio will help me be more productive … :)}, but some of them are important. Very important. When it comes to heading the Spirit and discipling our babes, there is nothing that is more important. And yet, these most important things can be the hardest of all. The ones I need to be reminded about daily, hourly, and for which I cry out for strength when I falter.
So, onward! Yay for successes! And working towards more.
How about you? Did you make goals or resolutions back in January? Did you chuck them out the window back in February or keep your eye on the finish line? I’d love to hear!
‘Till tomorrow,
p.s. Also, let me know if you have ideas for an evergreen shrub! It needs to be a dwarf size, hardy to Zone 4, and thrive in the shade. And look good next to hostas :)