cute things coming!
Ah, Friday again :) And it’s March!
There have been lots of cute things happening around here – some of which include a Princess party and Baby Girl turning 3 months old :) – and there are more coming! One of the big things, though, was that we got a new computer {a Mac – we made the move over from a PC last Sunday after ours died}. My husband was even able to rescue most of the photos and info off of the old one, and I’m soooo thankful {I hadn’t backed anything up since last fall – eek!}! Anyway, it’s been a full week. :)
Now that there is a lovely computer up and humming on the desk again, I’m planning to bring you some cute How-Tuesday posts, add a few things to the shop, and even show you a little bit of green that I played with for St. Patrick’s Day {shamrocks, anyone? :)}
One last thing before I sign off – have you heard of Birds & Honey? {if not, you really should click over to her site – so gorgeous!!!} I’m so excited to tell you that she’ll be giving us a guest post later this month!
How has your week been? Can you believe that we’re already welcoming March? That means we only have 3/4 of 2013 left … what?!