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Category: milestones

12 weeks old yesterday

12 weeks old yesterday

Emma and I walked about 1/2 a mile to the soccer complex down the street yesterday. The soccer fields have a small grove of shade trees off to one side, and, since it was over 80 for most of the afternoon, the shade felt wonderful.
Yesterday was the first time that Emma and I have gone to a park alone and we just laid on the ground, enjoying the outdoors. Even though the busy street was close by it still felt quiet and peaceful. All that was missing was a hammock and a glass of lemonade!

Emma really enjoyed laying on her back and looking up at the leaves, branches, sky and the light playing off of it all. It was like one giant green mobile. She would get excited when the breeze picked up, “talking” and waving, sputtering bubbles and kicking vigorously.

first field trip

first field trip

We went to the Cincinnati Zoo with some friends today – Emma must have loved it, because she was content in her stroller except for when she was hungry. Such beaming bright eyes! I’m planning on posting a few more pictures later so you all can enjoy them too.

six weeks old

six weeks old

pretty new dress, originally uploaded by Lizi Beth.

She loves: baths, being held, movement, music, foot rubs, and being swaddled (such a girl!). Our little one is tipping the scales at 11 pounds 4 ounces, is (very occasionally) sleeping 6-7 hours at night, has graduated to size 2 diapers and has developed a distinctive “hungry” cry.



this afternoon, after she had eaten, burped and been changed, I was holding Emma as she drifted off to sleep. I smiled down at her, and she smiled back, a real, responsive smile. To make sure, I tried it again. And she smiled back!